Volume 16: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1927-May 1929 (English Translation Supplement)

Volume 16: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1927-May 1929 (English Translation Supplement)
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Table of Contents
Volume 16: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1927-May 1929 (English Translation Supplement)
Table of Contents pages: 1 2 3
- 366. To Cornel Lanczos 348382
- 367. Fragment of Comment on Doc. 365 348382
- 368. “On Unified Field Theory: Continuation of the Work of the Same Title (These Proceedings I. 29)” 349383
- 369. To Boris Georgiev 352386
- 370. Statement to the Press regarding Einstein 1929n 353387
- 371. To the Julius Family 353387
- 372. To International Education Board 354388
- 373. To Karl Kerkhof 354388
- 374. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 355389
- 375. Message for the United Palestine Appeal in the United States 355389
- 376. Statement on the Role of Palestine in Jewish Life 356390
- 377. From Chaim Herman Müntz 356390
- 378. On German Reparations 357391
- 379. On Zionism 358392
- 380. To Max von Laue 360394
- 381. To Vossische Zeitung 360394
- 382. To Melania Serbu 360394
- 383. From Vossische Zeitung 361395
- 384. From Hans Reichenbach 362396
- 385. From Louis de Broglie 363397
- 386. From Max von Laue 364398
- 387. “The New Field Theory” 365399
- 388. To Arnold Berliner 365399
- 389. To Max von Laue 365399
- 390. To Hans Reichenbach 366400
- 391. From Hans Reichenbach 367401
- 392. To Louis de Broglie 368402
- 393. To Paul Ehrenfest 368402
- 394. To Luther Pfahler Eisenhart 369403
- 395. “Old and New Ideas on Field Theory” 369403
- 396. Calculations 369403
- 397. From Chaim Weizmann 370404
- 398. To Emanuel Libman 370404
- 399. To Peter L. Konisski 371405
- 400. To Chaim Weizmann 371405
- 401. On the Advancement of Jewish Talent 372406
- 402. From Wilhelm Ostwald 372406
- 403. From Arthur Stanley Eddington 373407
- 404. Verse for Eva Einstein 373407
- 405. To Sigmund Freud 373407
- 406. To Wilhelm Ostwald 373407
- 407. To Giuseppe Vitali 374408
- 408. To Walther Schücking 374408
- 409. From Sigmund Freud 375409
- 411. To Richard Heilner 377411
- 412. To Hans Stürmer 377411
- 413. From Luther Pfahler Eisenhart 377411
- 414. To Chaim Herman Müntz 378412
- 415. From the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 379413
- 416. To Eduard Einstein 380414
- 417. To Émile Borel 380414
- 418. To Leo Kohn 381415
- 419. From Norbert Wiener and Manuel Sandoval Vallarta 381415
- 420. “What Is the Theory of Relativity?” 382416
- 421. To Adolf von Harnack 383417
- 422. To the Prussian Academy of Sciences 386420
- 423. To Hans Stürmer 386420
- 424. Foreword to Bergmann 1929 387421
- 425. Message for Opening of the Jewish Health House in Kishinev 387421
- 426. To Jacques Hadamard 388422
- 427. From Marie Barthelts 388422
- 428. From Paul Ehrenfest 389423
- 429. From Heinrich Friedmann 390424
- 430. From Otto Neustätter 390424
- 431. To Grete Lebach 391425
- 432. From Sigmund Freud 391425
- 433. From Hans Frösch 392426
- 434. Calculation 392426
- 435. Verse for Birthday Well-Wishers 392426
- 436. Verse for Birthday Well-Wishers 392426
- 437. From Paul Ehrenfest 394428
- 438. From Josef Gebele 395429
- 439. From Fritz Haber 396430
- 440. From Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie 396430
- 441. From Chaim Weizmann 397431
- 442. To A. M. Bose 397431
- 443. To Rose Hilferding 397431
- 444. To Ludwig Hopf 398432
- 445. To Alfred Kerr 398432
- 446. To Dora Stern 398432
- 447. To Hermann Weyl 399433
- 448. To Chaim Herman Müntz 399433
- 449. From Michele Besso 400434
- 450. From Max Planck et al. 400434
- 451. To Chaim Herman Müntz 401435
- 452. “Hamilton’s Principle and Unified Field Theory” 403437
- 453. “Professor Einstein and Ulm” 404438
- 454. To Heinrich Friedmann 404438
- 455. From Chaim Herman Müntz 405439
- 456. To Alfred Schuster 406440
- 457. To Menachem Ussishkin 407441
- 458. To Kurt Blumenfeld 408442
- 459. “Unified Field Theory and Hamilton’s Principle” 409443
- 460. To Siegfried Bieber 414448
- 461. From Tullio Levi-Civita 414448
- 462. To Marie Barthelts 414448
- 463. To the Ehrenfest Family 415449
- 464. To Alfred Einstein 415449
- 465. To Sigmund Freud 416450
- 466. To Michele Besso 416450
- 467. On the Einstein Forest 417451
- 468. To Eduard Einstein 417451
- 469. To Frieda Huber 418452
- 470. To Hermann Müller 418452
- 471. From Sigmund Freud 419453
- 472. To Eduard Einstein 421455
- 473. To the Hebrew University 421455
- 474. Couplet on His Verse Making 421455
- 475. To the Society of Friends of the New Russia 422456
- 476. “A Memorial for Theodor Herzl” 423457
- 477. To Louise Wien-Mehler 424458
- 478. On Higher Education 424458
- 479. From Leo Szilard 424458
- 480. To Ferdinand Müller 425459
- 481. To Kurt Rosenfeld 426460
- 482. To Nahum Sokolow 426460
- 483. To Barthélemy de Ligt 427461
- 484. To Heinrich Zangger 427461
- 485. From Erwin Schrödinger 428462
- 486. To the Amateur Astronomers Association 428462
- 487. Statement on the Yiddish Scientific Institute 428462
- 488. To Selig Brodetsky 429463
- 489. To Semen L. Frank 429463
- 490. To the Jewish National and University Library 430464
- 491. On the Importance of the British Elections for German Pacifists 430464
- 492. To Charlotte Weigert 430464
- 493. Statement on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Theodore Herzl’s Death 431465
- 494. To Semen L. Frank 431465
- 495. To Rudolf Goldschmidt 432466
- 496. Greetings to the Einstein Jubilee Committee 432466
- 497. Message to the Einstein Jubilee Committee 432466
- 498. Message on the Jewish National Fund for the Einstein Jubilee Celebration in New York 432466
- 499. From Heinrich Zangger 433467
- 500. Message to the Einstein Jubilee Celebration in New York 433467
- 501. To Max Erlanger 433467
- 502. “Einstein Urges Support for Scientific Institute” 433467
- 503. “Appeal by the International Trotsky Assistance Committee (Germany)” 434468
- 504. “Appeal for Henri Guilbeaux”[ 436470
- 505. To Elsa Einstein 436470
- 506. Message for an ORT Fund-Raising Campaign 437471
- 507. To Elsa Einstein 437471
- 508. “Einstein Believes in ‘Spinoza’s God’” 438472
- 509. Patent for Sound Reproduction Using Magnetostriction 438472
- 510. To Ethel Michanowsky-Charol 438472
- 511. “On Aurel Stodola” 439473
- 512. To Michele Besso 441475
- 513. To Michele Besso 441475
- 514. To Alice Vanderbilt Morris 441475
- 515. To Maurice Sciaky 442476
- 516. From Michele Besso 442476
- 517. To Semen L. Frank 444478
- 518. To Herman Bernstein 444478
- 519. To Herbert C. Hoover 445479
- 520. From Élie Cartan 445479
- 521. “Unified Field Theory” 447481
- 522. Unified Field Theory [Fragment] 450484
- 523. To Chaim Herman Müntz 451485
- 524. To Michele Besso 452486
- 525. To Élie Cartan 453487
- 526. On Theater Performances for Prisoners 454488
- 527. To Gustav Böß 454488
- 528. To Michele Besso 454488
- 529. To Attilio Palatini 455489
- 530. From Aurel Stodola 455489
- 531. From Élie Cartan 456490
- 532. On Arago’s Obituary of Thomas Young 457491
- 533. Elsa Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest 458492
- 534. From Cornel Lanczos 459493
- 535. From Norbert Wiener and Manuel Sandoval Vallarta 460494
- 536. From Élie Cartan 460494
- 537. To Chaim Herman Müntz 461495
- 538. Appeal for an Interdenominational Working Group for Peace 462496
- 539. From Max Planck 463497
- 540. From Norbert Wiener 464498
- INDEX 465499