A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S x l v
Physikalische Gesellschaft, Berlin; Giel Halberstadt, Amsterdam; Michael Heyd,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Don Howard, University of Notre Dame; Joan F.
Lavalle, MIT; Dorothea Lehner, Munich; Erwin Levold, Rockefeller Archive Cen-
ter, Sleepy Hollow, New York; Brandon Look, University of Kentucky; Chris
Lubicz-Nawrocki, Boston; Yoram Mayorek, Jerusalem; Karl Mohl, Austrian
Patent Office, Vienna; Emily Roberts, Vancouver, Washington; Helmut Rohlfing,
Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen; Tilman Sauer,
University of Bern; Hans-Georg Schöpf, Technical University of Dresden; Urs
Schoepflin, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin; Fritz Schul-
mann, Los Angeles; Josef Seethaler, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna; Rob-
ert Simon, Boston University; Ildikó Varga, National Széchényi Library, Budapest;
Adina Wachman, American Jewish Historical Society, New York; David Wellbery,
Johns Hopkins University; and Joshua Wood, Boston University.
Thanks also to Christopher Hitchcock, Judy Goodstein, George Pigman, and
Rochus Vogt, all members of the Caltech Advisory Board to the project. Finally, at
Princeton University Press, the editors wish to thank Alice Calaprice, our dedicated
copyeditor; Jan Lilly and Leslie Flis, the designers; Neil Litt; Fred Appel; Martha
Camp; and Walter H. Lippincott, its indefatigable Director.