Copyright © 2004 by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540
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Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1SY
All Rights Reserved
The Library of Congress has catalogued the previous volumes as follows:
Einstein, Albert, d. 1879–1955.
[Works. 1987]
The collected papers of Albert Einstein.
German, English, and French.
Includes bibliographies and indexes.
ISBN 0-691-08407-6 (v. 1)
Contents: v. 1. The early years, 1879–1902 / John Stachel, editor — v. 2. The Swiss years,
writings, 1900–1909 — v. 3. The Swiss years, writings, 1909–1911 — v. 4. The Swiss years,
writings, 1912–1914 — v. 5. The Swiss years, correspondence, 1902–1914 — v. 6. The Berlin
years, writings, 1914–1917 — v. 7. The Berlin years, writings, 1918–1921 — v. 8. The Berlin
years, correspondence, 1914–1918 (2 v.). pt. A. 1914–1917, pt. B. 1918. 1. Physics. 2. Physicists—
Biography. I. Stachel, John J., 1928– . II. Title.
QC16.E5A2 1987
530—dc19 86-043132
ISBN 0-691-12088-9 (vol. 9)
This book has been composed in Times Roman.
The publisher would like to acknowledge the editors of this volume for
providing the camera-ready copy from which this book was printed.
Princeton University Press books are printed on acid-free paper
and meet the guidelines for permanence and durability of the
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