E D I T O R I A L M E T H O D l i x
from the list of Literature Cited, dates of completion, and the source for each text.
Republished versions of an Einstein text with revisions or annotations that may be
ascribed to Einstein are also noted on that page. Some of the information on the title
page is repeated in the unnumbered descriptive note at the end of the document.
Documents that have come to the attention of the editors after the publication of
the Correspondence volume in which they should have appeared are presented at
the front of a subsequent Correspondence volume, except in this volume. Material
that was recently discovered by the editors and pertains to the years prior to 1919
is excluded from the present volume and will be included in Volume 10 instead.
Editorial endnotes, indicated by raised Arabic numerals enclosed in square
brackets, follow the text and description of the document. In some cases, notes are
printed at the foot of the corresponding page or as a running note facing the text in
order to maintain the coherence of each page.
Except in the case of published papers, the text is followed by a descriptive sym-
bol (see the list of Descriptive Symbols). If no provenance is specified, the source
is the Albert Einstein Archives at the Jewish National and University Library in
Jerusalem. Otherwise, the location of the original (in parentheses) follows the de-
scriptive symbol. If the location is unknown, the source of the photocopy or tran-
script used is given. Symbols for documentary repositories follow the guidelines in
The Library of Congress National Union Catalogue (see the list of Location Sym-
A descriptive note commenting on textual or physical characteristics of an orig-
inal that affect a reading of the text—whether it is cropped, perforated, obscured,
or incomplete—follows the designation of provenance. If a source from which one
or more texts are drawn (e.g., a notebook or an official report) contains additional
material, that material is briefly described at this point; such omitted material may
be published elsewhere in the edition. Textual features such as original pagination
and instructions to turn a page are silently omitted. The address and postmark of
origin of a letter or postcard are given, if available.
The following information is given in the descriptive notes following each doc-
ument in the Correspondence series: (a) the descriptive symbol; (b) the location
symbol indicating where the original can be found if it is not located in the Albert
Einstein Archives; (c) the control number that is assigned to each original or copy
in the Albert Einstein Archives within square brackets; (d) if a text has already ap-
peared in published form this is pointed out; (e) if available, docketed postmarks
are described when two documents of the same date are presented; (f) an obscured
or incomplete postmark is pointed out and the contents of a docketed postmark, if
available, are presented if the date cannot be established otherwise.