D O C . 2 9 A P R I L 1 9 1 9 2 5 collaboration as principal co-editor but you kindly held out the prospect of possibly providing us with a contribution someday. You have meanwhile already promised a contribution to the Kant-Studien, which was founded and is still co-edited by me, and so I hope that you will be kindly disposed toward the younger journal, the An- nalen der Philosophie, as well. In this vein may I also present to you the final program of this new journal, where you will see at the same time that, apart from [6] philosophers in the narrower sense, 8 representatives from specialized fields have joined us.[6] For it is our aim to draw and bring out philosophical factors from within the specialized dis- ciplines and thus establish the hitherto missing connection between the specialties and philosophy. This is a brand new program as has never before been launched by a philosophical journal. In the prospectus that I am sending to you as well you will also find the table of contents of the first volume and will immediately see from it the rich content in its first year of issue. I would gladly offer you a copy of this first volume, which, due to the political turmoil, could only appear now but I do not yet know—I even almost doubt it—if my publisher will be in a position to place a free copy at my disposal for you. Con- ditions in the book market are now quite desperate, you know.[7] Perhaps, despite the terrible world events, you have since found time to indulge in familiarizing yourself a little with the “Philosophy of As If.” You will then be able to judge for yourself that there is little justification for throwing my school in with pragmatism. I hope to hear that you have not been disappointed in your hope of finding in the “Philos. of As If” a line of reasoning that concurs with your own views. Precisely because you are an independent thinker who has not yet been in- fluenced by any philosophical school, you will be in an even better position to as- sess the train of thought of the “Phil. of As If,” which is free of all presuppositions and bias, contrary to those who start from false assumptions or even from prejudi- ces. In particular, I dare to hope that your own original reasoning in mathematics and mechanics has an inherent relation to the theory of fictions, which is developed in the “Phil. of As If.” Finally, may I add that I too have followed your political conduct, esp. your ad- vocacy of an inner renewal, with great interest and warm support. Your very respectful colleague Vaihinger. The Study is going out to you under separate cover as printed matter. You recall that I invited you in October to become a chief co-editor in your field for the new Annalen der Philosophie.[5] You thought it necessary to decline this collaboration as principal co-editor but you kindly held out the prospect of possibly providing us with a contribution someday. You have meanwhile already promised a contribution to the Kant-Studien , which was founded and is still co-edited by me, and so I hope that you will be kindly disposed toward the younger journal, the An- nalen der Philosophie, as well. In this vein may I also present to you the final program of this new journal, where you will see at the same time that, apart from [6] philosophers in the narrower sense, 8 representatives from specialized fields have joined us. [6] For it is our aim to draw and bring out philosophical factors from within the specialized dis- ciplines and thus establish the hitherto missing connection between the specialties and philosophy. This is a brand new program as has never before been launched by a philosophical journal. In the prospectus that I am sending to you as well you will also find the table of contents of the first volume and will immediately see from it the rich content in its first year of issue. I would gladly offer you a copy of this first volume, which, due to the political turmoil, could only appear now but I do not yet know—I even almost doubt it—if my publisher will be in a position to place a free copy at my disposal for you. Con- ditions in the book market are now quite desperate, you know. [7] Perhaps, despite the terrible world events, you have since found time to indulge in familiarizing yourself a little with the “Philosophy of As If.” You will then be able to judge for yourself that there is little justification for throwing my school in with pragmatism. I hope to hear that you have not been disappointed in your hope of finding in the “Philos. of As If” a line of reasoning that concurs with your own views. Precisely because you are an independent thinker who has not yet been in- fluenced by any philosophical school, you will be in an even better position to as- sess the train of thought of the “Phil. of As If,” which is free of all presuppositions and bias, contrary to those who start from false assumptions or even from prejudi- ces. In particular, I dare to hope that your own original reasoning in mathematics and mechanics has an inherent relation to the theory of fictions, which is developed in the “Phil. of As If.” Finally, may I add that I too have followed your political conduct, esp. your ad- vocacy of an inner renewal, with great interest and warm support. Your very respectful colleague Vaihinger. The Study is going out to you under separate cover as printed matter. Note at head of document: “Dictation.”