44 THE ETH Doc. 39 contains contemporary comments by Einstein about some of his teachers. Later, he recalled the "magischer Zauber" of Albert Heim's geology lectures,[10] and regarded C. F. Geiser's (1843-1934) lectures on differential geometry as "wahre Meisterstücke pädagogischer Kunst."[11] Einstein especially enjoyed H. F. Weber's physics lectures (see the editorial note Einstein as a Student of Physics, and His Notes on H. F. Weber's Course). The ETH administration maintained a Record and Grade Transcript (Matrikel) for each student. At the end of each semester, the student received a Transcript Excerpt (Matrikelauszug), listing courses and grades for the semester (not all courses were graded). A conference of all teachers in a section decided grades on the basis of an instructor's quarterly report.[12] At the close of each school year, the decisions made at these teachers' conferences determined the advancement (Promotion) of each student. Upon leaving the ETH, a student received a Final Transcript (Abgangs-Zeugnis).[13] Doc. 28 is the administra- tive file copy of Einstein's Record and Final Transcript, maintained as one document by the ETH.[14] Completion of studies depended on passing an oral intermediate examination for the Diplom (Übergangsdiplomprüfung), which Einstein took in 1898 (see Doc. 42), and a final examination for the Diplom (Schlußdiplomprüfung), which included both an oral examination and a written thesis (Diplomarbeit) (see Doc. 67).[15] Of the nine students in Einstein's fourth-year class, five took the final examination in July 1900 only two of them, Einstein and Maric, were physics students.[16] Of the four students in Section VI A who passed the final examination, Einstein was the only one not to receive a position as Assistent to a professor at the ETH. He later recalled that his professors "mich wegen meiner Unabhängigkeit nicht liebten, mich umgingen, wenn sie Assistenten brauchten."[17] Elsewhere, he stated more specifi- cally that "mir im letzten Moment eine Assistentenstelle nicht gegeben wurde, die mir in Aussicht gestellt worden war."[18] This is presumably a reference to his attempt to secure a position as Assistent to Hurwitz in the fall of 1900 (see Docs. 77, 78). [10] See Einstein to Arnold Heim, 14 July 1952. [11] Einstein 1955, p. 146. Einstein added that they helped him later when he worked on the general theory of relativity. [12] See ETH Reglement 1873, pp. 32-34, and ETH Reglement 1899, pp. 23-24. The teachers' conference submitted recommended grades to the ETH administration. [13] See ETH Reglement 1873, pp. 21-22, and ETH Reglement 1899, pp. 11-12. [14] His copy of the Final Transcript is in the Einstein Archive. [15] See ETH Regulativ 1892, pp. 14-18. [16] See Doc. 67, and the ETH Programm 1900b, which contains class lists for the pre- vious year. [17] Einstein 1934, p. 33. [18] Einstein to Carl Seelig, 22 February 1952. His sister states that such a position for him had been "sogar von zwei Seiten in Aussicht gestellt" (Winteler-Einstein 1924, p. 21).