WEBER'S LECTURES 177 Die in der Zeiteinheit durch den Faden (1) fließende Menge sei M1 ahrhaftig aschenspielerei! oraussetzung es zu eweisenden. Das gilt für jeden Faden Definiert man nun so erh[ält] man [156] The denominator of the preceding in- tegral should be K'dqn, and W should be primed. The definition is incorrect, as indi- cated by Einstein's deletion, a heavy pencil line down the center of the page. The correct definition, given in the right margin (W should be primed), and the left marginalia, are also in pencil. M1 = K'dq1 - dp dx! di = k' dq1 ( - dp dx1 1 h di dx = -dp K o dq j o "i P.-P = dix dx di i 1 K o dq i (P4 P 5)k Jo dx 1 ,y 1 (Pi-PsV Zj f'" dp w = 1 /V 1 *'wy 1 ri 2 P4, - P 5 = di dx K o dq dL = X' P, -P Y (•'" ^ • ZjJo K'dq" Y f" dx = _ w) \ [156] ZjJo l = P4-P W'