I N T R O D U C T I O N T O V O L U M E 1 1 x v
volume and correspondence abstracted in a calendar. Although the annotation in
the documentary edition contains references to later correspondence or to third-
party letters, no effort has been made to extend the lists of correspondence beyond
1920 or beyond direct incoming and outgoing Einstein letters.
We also include a comprehensive chronology of Einstein’s life for the years 1879–
1921. Since correspondence that was abstracted in the individual calendars can be
found in this volume via the lists of correspondence, references to correspondence
are not included in the general chronology. Likewise, all original quotations and
bibliographic and archival references for information listed in the general chronol-
ogy can be found in the individual calendars, rather than in the general chronology.
This volume presents a list of all signifcant errata that have come to our attention.
Inconsistencies across the different volumes (for instance in years of birth or death
of individuals) and errors in the indexes and literature cited have been corrected in
the Cumulative Index and the Cumulative Bibliography, and are not listed in the er-
We emphasize that the information in this volume is intended primarily to direct
the reader to the relevant and authoritative information that can be found in the in-
dividual volumes of the documentary edition. We hope that readers of the Collected
Papers of Albert Einstein will find Volume 11 useful in facilitating access to the
documents presented in the first ten volumes of the series.
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