x i v I N T R O D U C T I O N T O V O L U M E 1 1
To a large extent, these lists overlap. However, the “List of Writings, 1891–
1921” also includes all of Einstein’s manuscripts that remained unpublished by
1921, while the “Einstein Bibliography, 1901–1921” includes documents that were
republished during this period.
Since the editorial objective of the CPAE is completeness in regard to Einstein’s
writings, these two sections constitute the most complete Einstein bibliographies
to date for the years under consideration. In addition, the “Einstein Bibliography,
1901–1921” combines the bibliographic information with an index of citations. For
each item, it lists the page numbers in the volumes where the item is referenced or
No effort has been made to extend the bibliographies of Einstein’s publications
and writings beyond 1921. Nevertheless, a number of Einstein’s post-1921 publi-
cations can be found in the “Cumulative Bibliography and Index of Citations to
Volumes 1–10.” This section lists all the literature written by named authors that is
cited in at least one of the first ten volumes of the series. It combines the cumulative
literature cited with a cumulative index of citations.
We emphasize that the editorial method of the CPAE states that the “lists of
literature cited do not constitute a bibliography of all significant works on Ein-
stein.” The same holds for the cumulative bibliography and index of citations.
Moreover, we have excluded from the cumulative bibliography all references that
were not authored or edited by a named person or group of persons, for example,
those in Vorlesungsverzeichnisse, Adressverzeichnisse, Statuten, Verhandlungen,
Jahresberichte, newspaper and journal runs, and so on.
We hope that, in combination with its cumulative index of citations, this bibli-
ography will provide another useful entrée to the information of the documentary
edition, particularly with respect to the primary literature. To the extent that mis-
prints and typographical errors in the references to literature have come to the at-
tention of the editors, they have implicitly been corrected in the general cumulative
bibliography and are not listed in the cumulative errata.
In order to facilitate access to the correspondence presented in the Collected
Papers, the present volume contains two complete lists of Einstein’s correspon-
dence until and including the year 1920.
The first list presents the correspondence in chronological order, the second list
presents the correspondence in alphabetical order by correspondent.
The primary purpose of these lists is to integrate the correspondence published
in one of the Correspondence volumes with correspondence published in a later
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