The following is a chronological list of Albert Einstein’s published und unpub-
lished scientific and nonscientific writings prior to 1922, excluding correspon-
dence. The list was compiled from the first ten volumes of the Collected Papers of
Albert Einstein in which each item below is presented as a document. The list there-
fore also includes Vol. 7, Doc. 71 (Vier Vorlesungen über Relativitätstheorie, ge-
halten im Mai 1921), an item that was completed before 4 January 1922 and pub-
lished in 1922.
Items written but not published by Einstein are identified by the archival number
given in square brackets. Published items are identified by the primary bibliograph-
ic reference and by a bibliographic short title under which the item is referred to in
the documentary edition.
For a discussion of different drafts, versions, or reprints of an item, if those exist,
consult the relevant volume of the documentary edition. For further information on
published items, see also the “Einstein Bibliography, 1901–1921,” pp. 45–91.
In this listing, a title without quotation marks, and which is not the title of a mono-
graph, has been provided by the editors of the respective volume. Likewise, if a title
appears both in English translation and in its original language, the former was also
provided by the editors.
Items are dated by the date of completion, if known; otherwise, by the earliest
known of the dates of submission, reception, or publication. If only a time frame
could be established, the item is listed at its earliest possible date.
For lists of Einstein’s correspondence, see the “Alphabetical List of Correspon-
dence, 1895–1920,” pp. 93–135, and the “Chronological List of Correspondence,
1895–1920,” pp. 137–174.