2 W R I T I N G S , V O L U M E 1
Volume 1
Comment on the Proof of a Theorem
Vol. 1, Doc. 3, 3 [86-017].
Two Philosophical Comments
Vol. 1, Doc. 4, 4 [86-018].
Summer? 1895
“On the Investigation of the State of the Ether in a Magnetic
“Über die Untersuchung des Aetherzustandes im magneti-
schen Felde”
Vol. 1, Doc. 5, 6–9 [2-144.1].
18 Sep 1896
Matura Examination (A) German: “Synopsis of Goethe’s
Götz von Berlichingen”
Vol. 1, Doc. 21, 25–27 [29-220].
Matura Examination (B) French: “My Future Plans”
Vol. 1, Doc. 22, 28 [29-223].
19 Sep 1896
Matura Examination (C) Geometry
Vol. 1, Doc. 23, 29–32 [29-222.1].
Matura Examination (D) Physics: “Tangent Galvanometer
and Galvanometer”
Vol. 1, Doc. 24, 32–35 [29-222].
21 Sep 1896
Matura Examination (E) Natural History: “Evidence of the
Earlier Glaciation of Our Country”
Vol. 1, Doc. 25, 35–38 [29-224].
Matura Examination (F) Algebra
Vol. 1, Doc. 26, 39–41 [29-222.3].
Matura Examination (G) Chemistry
Vol. 1, Doc. 27, 41–42 [29-223].