C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 0 8 1 9 0 9 1 8 7
May 13 “On the Ponderomotive Forces Exerted on Bodies at Rest in
the Electromagnetic Field” (with Jakob Laub) (Vol. 2,
Doc. 52).
May 16 Works in laboratory of Albert Gockel at the University of
Jun 28 Again in Fribourg in Gockel’s laboratory.
Jul 25 Summer semester at the University of Bern ends.
Aug 24 “Correction to the Paper: ‘On the Fundamental Electromag-
netic Equations for Moving Bodies’” (with Jakob Laub)
(Vol. 2, Doc. 53).
summer Vacations with wife and son in the Bernese Oberland.
Oct 20 Winter semester at the University of Bern begins. Einstein
teaches a course in the theory of radiation.
Dec 6 “Remarks on Our Paper: ‘On the Fundamental Electromag-
netic Equations for Moving Bodies’” (with Jakob Laub)
(Vol. 2, Doc. 54).
Jan 19 “Supplement” to “Remarks on Our Paper: ‘On the Funda-
mental Electromagnetic Equations for Moving Bodies’”
(with Jakob Laub) (Vol. 2, Doc. 54).
Jan 22 “Comment on the Paper of D. Mirimanoff: ‘On the Funda-
mental Equations…’” (Vol. 2, Doc. 55).
Jan 23 “On the Present Status of the Radiation Problem”
(Vol. 2, Doc. 56).
Feb 11 Lectures on “Elektrodynamik und Relativitätsprinzip” to the
Physikalische Gesellschaft of Zurich.
Feb 23 A. Kleiner outlines the need for a second chair of physics at
the University of Zurich and recommends that Einstein be
appointed to it.
Mar 6 Winter semester at the University of Bern ends.
Apr 13 “On the Present Status of the Radiation Problem” (with
Walter Ritz) (Vol. 2, Doc. 57).
May 7 Appointed Extraordinary Professor of Theoretical Physics
at the University of Zurich at an annual salary of 4,500 fr.
May 24 Attends Fribourg physics colloquium.
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