1 8 8 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 0 9 – 1 9 1 0
Jul 6 Submits resignation to the Swiss Patent Office, effective 15
October 1909.
Jul 9 Granted an honorary doctorate in the physical sciences by
the University of Geneva.
Aug Vacations with wife and son in the Upper Engadine, canton
of Graubünden.
Aug 4 Resigns Privatdozentur at the University of Bern.
Sep 20 Participates in a discussion following Henry Siedentopf’s
lecture, “On Ultramicroscopic Images” (Vol. 2, Doc. 58), at
the Salzburg meeting of the GDNÄ.
Sep 21 Participates in a discussion following Arthur Szarvassi’s
lecture, “The Theory of Electromagnetic Phenomena in
Moving Bodies and the Energy Principle” (Vol. 2, Doc. 59),
at the GDNÄ.
Lectures “On the Development of Our Views Concerning
the Nature and Constitution of Radiation” (Vol. 2, Doc. 60)
and participates in the following discussion (Vol. 2,
Doc. 61), at the GDNÄ.
Sep 21 Participates in a discussion following Fritz Hasenöhrl’s lec-
ture, “On the Transformation of Kinetic Energy into Radia-
tion” (Vol. 2, Doc. 62), at the GDNÄ.
Oct 2 W. Ostwald nominates Einstein for the Nobel Prize in Phys-
ics, citing his contribution in relativity.
Oct 15 Assumes duties at the University of Zurich.
Oct 18 Winter semester at the University of Zurich begins. Einstein
teaches an introductory course in mechanics (Vol. 3, Doc. 1)
and a course in thermodynamics, while also conducting a
physics seminar.
Oct 22 Registers change of address from Bern to Moussonstr. 12,
Dec 2 Becomes a member of the Physikalische Gesellschaft of
Dec 11 Delivers inaugural lecture at the University of Zurich: “On
the Role of Atomic Theory in Recent Physics.”
Jan 15 Publishes first part of “The Principle of Relativity and Its
Consequences in Modern Physics” (Vol. 3, Doc. 2).