1 9 0 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 0 – 1 9 1 1
Oct 8 “The Theory of the Opalescence of Homogeneous Fluids
and Liquid Mixtures near the Critical State” (Vol. 3,
Doc. 9).
Oct 17 Winter semester at the University of Zurich begins. Einstein
teaches courses in electricity and magnetism (Vol. 3,
Doc. 11) and in selected readings in theoretical physics,
while also conducting a physics seminar and directing a lab-
oratory for advanced students (with Alfred Kleiner).
Nov 1 E. Fischer, from Berlin, informs Einstein that he will receive
a three-year annual grant of 5,000 M from an anonymous
private donor (Franz Oppenheim).
Nov 2 Lectures “On the Boltzmann Principle and Some Conse-
quences Derived from It” to the Physikalische Gesellschaft
of Zurich.
Nov 14 Becomes member of the Naturforschende Gesellschaft of
Nov 30 “Comments on P. Hertz’s Papers: ‘On the Mechanical Foun-
dations of Thermodynamics’” (Vol. 3, Doc. 10).
Nov 30 “Comment on Eötvös’s Law” (Vol. 3, Doc. 12).
Nov 30 “A Relationship between Elastic Behavior and Specific Heat
in Solids with a Monatomic Molecule” (Vol. 3, Doc. 13).
Dec 16 The Minister of Education, Count Karl von Stürgkh, peti-
tions Emperor Franz Joseph for Einstein’s appointment to
the chair of theoretical physics at the German University of
Jan 2 Completes “Comment on a Fundamental Difficulty in Theo-
retical Physics” (Vol. 3, Doc. 16).
Jan 6 Emperor Franz Joseph appoints Einstein to the chair of the-
oretical physics at the German University of Prague, effec-
tive 1 April 1911 with a salary of 9,872 crowns.
Jan 16 Delivers lecture “The Theory of Relativity” to Naturfor-
schende Gesellschaft of Zurich (Vol. 3, Docs. 17 and 18).
Jan 20 Submits letter of resignation from the University of Zurich.
Jan 21 “Correction to My Paper: ‘A New Determination of Molec-
ular Dimensions’” (Vol. 3, Doc. 14).
Jan 30 “Comment on My Paper: ‘A Relationship between the Elas-
tic Behavior…’” (Vol. 3, Doc. 15).