C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 0 1 8 9
before Jan 18 Writes a response to a draft version of M. Planck, “Zur
Theorie der Wärmestrahlung” (Vol. 3, Doc. 3).
Feb 15 Publishes second part of “The Principle of Relativity and Its
Consequences in Modern Physics” (Vol. 3, Doc. 2).
Mar 5 Winter semester at the University of Zurich ends.
Apr 19 Summer semester at the University of Zurich begins. Ein-
stein teaches the continuation of the mechanics course and a
course in the kinetic theory of heat (Vol. 3, Doc. 4), while
also conducting a physics seminar and directing a laboratory
for advanced students (with Alfred Kleiner).
Apr 21 Proposed as a candidate for a chair of theoretical physics at
the German University in Prague.
May 7 Lectures “On the Theory of Light Quanta and the Question
of the Localization of Electromagnetic Energy” to the Neu-
châtel meeting of the Schweizerische Physikalische Gesell-
schaft (Vol. 3, Doc. 5).
Jul 14 The Zurich Governing Council grants Einstein a salary
increase to 5,500 francs as of October in order to dissuade
him from accepting an offer from the German University in
Jul 15 “On the Ponderomotive Forces Acting on a Magnetic Body
Carrying a Current” (Vol. 3, Doc. 6).
Jul 28 Einstein’s second son Eduard is born in Zurich.
Aug 5 Summer semester at the University of Zurich ends.
Aug 29 “On a Theorem of the Probability Calculus and Its Applica-
tion in the Radiation Theory” (with Ludwig Hopf) (Vol. 3,
Doc. 7).
Aug 29 “Statistical Investigation of a Resonator’s Motion in a Radi-
ation Field” (with Ludwig Hopf) (Vol. 3, Doc. 8).
Sep 6 Lectures on his “On the Ponderomotive Forces Acting on a
Magnetic Body Carrying a Current” at the Basel meeting of
the Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft.
Sep 24 Travels to Vienna, to consult with the Austro-Hungarian
authorities on a position at the German University of
Prague, and also visits Ernst Mach, Victor Adler, and Anton
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