C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 4 1 9 7
Feb 28 Completes manuscript of “A Method for the Statistical
Evaluation of Observations of Apparently Irregular, Quasi-
periodic Processes” (Vol. 4, Doc. 29) before this date; and
delivers a version of it to the Basel meeting of the Schweiz-
erische Physikalische Gesellschaft (Vol. 4, Doc. 30).
March Completes “On the Relativity Problem” (Vol. 4, Doc. 31).
Mar 21 Departs Zurich on last day of winter semester.
Mar 22 Visits uncle Caesar Koch in Antwerp.
Mar 23 Arrives in Leyden to visit P. Ehrenfest. Also visits H. A.
Lorentz and meets W. de Sitter.
Mar 29 Arrives in Berlin. Is given an office in the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry,
directed by F. Haber. Lives at Ehrenbergstr. 33, in Berlin-
Mar 31 or Apr 1 Mileva Einstein-Maric; departs with the children for
Locarno, where Eduard Einstein recuperates from a lengthy
Apr 6 Registers his change of address from Zurich to Berlin.
Apr 16 Participates for the first time in a meeting of the physical-
mathematical class of the PAW.
Apr 18 Mileva Einstein-Maric; and the children return to Zurich,
then join Einstein in Berlin.
Apr 23 Participates for the first time in plenary session of the PAW.
Apr 26 “On the Principle of Relativity” (Vol. 6, Doc. 1).
May 8 Becomes a member of the advisory committee of the DPG.
May 16 Receives an academician’s salary of 900 M, retroactive to
April 1, in addition to his salary of 12,000 M.
May 29 “Covariance Properties of the Field Equations of the Theory
of Gravitation Based on the Generalized Theory of Rela-
tivity” (with M. Grossmann) (Vol. 6, Doc. 2).
May 30 Ehrenfest pays a visit. Four days later, they meet J. Petzoldt.
Jul 2 Gives inaugural lecture (Vol. 6, Doc. 3) to the PAW during
Leibniz commemorative festivities in the Academy’s new
building at Unter den Linden 38.
mid-Jul Einstein-Maric; moves out of Ehrenbergstr. residence with
the children and stays at the Habers. Memorandum of rec-
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