1 9 8 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 4
onciliation is drawn up, but divorce is decided upon and a
contract drafted.
Jul 16 Co-signs nominations of R. Willstätter and F. Haber for
membership in physical-mathematical class of the PAW.
Jul 18 “Remarks on P. Harzer’s Paper: ‘On the Dragging of Light
in Glass and on Aberration’” (Vol. 6, Doc. 4).
Jul 21 Co-signs nomination of K. F. Braun for membership in the
Jul 24 Lectures at the DPG on the thermodynamical derivation of
Planck’s formula of radiation and on Nernst’s heat theorem.
Published as “Contributions to Quantum Theory” (Vol. 6,
Doc. 5).
Jul 29 Accompanied by M. Besso, Einstein-Maric; and the children
leave Berlin for Zurich, after an agreement to a separation
from Einstein—instead of a divorce—is reached.
Aug 1 Germany declares war on Russia.
Aug 12 The establishment of the KWI is postponed indefinitely.
Aug 18 Completes “Response to Paul Harzer’s Reply” (Vol. 6,
Doc. 6).
Oct 16–Mar 15 Teaches course on relativity at the University of Berlin dur-
ing the winter semester (Vol. 6, Doc. 7).
Collaborative experimental work with W. J. de Haas on
molecular currents at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichs-
mid-Oct “Manifesto to the Europeans” (with G. Nicolai and W. Foer-
ster) (Vol. 6, Doc. 8) in response to the “Manifesto of the
Oct 23 Delivers lecture to the DPG on a criterion for recognizing
periodic processes.
Oct 29 Submits “The Formal Foundation of the General Theory of
Relativity” (Vol. 6, Doc. 9) to the PAW.
Nov 5 Communicates two papers by Schwarzschild at PAW.
Nov 27 Publishes reviews of A. Brill, The Principle of Relativity:
An Introduction to the Theory, and H. A. Lorentz, The Prin-
ciple of Relativity: Three Lectures . . . (Vol. 6, Docs. 10 and
before Dec 2 Moves from Ehrenbergstr., Berlin-Dahlem, to Wittelsba-
cherstr. 13, Berlin-Wilmersdorf.
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