C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 4 1 9 1 5 1 9 9
Dec 10 With E. Fischer, E. Warburg, and H. Rubens, sponsors pro-
posal to award the Helmholtz Medal to M. Planck.
With forty other members of the PAW, co-signs document
addressed to Chantepie de la Saussaye, president of the
Royal Academy of Sciences (Amsterdam), protesting a let-
ter “containing insulting words about the Netherlands” pub-
lished in a Dutch weekly on 11 October by an honorary
professor at the University of Berlin.
Dec 18 Lectures to the DPG on an experimental proof of the theory
of paramagnetism.
Jan/Feb With W. J. de Haas, performs experiments on the gyromag-
netic effect at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt as
guest of its second section (Electricity and Magnetism).
Jan 19 F. Ehrenhaft nominates Einstein for Nobel Prize, citing
work in Brownian motion, and special and general relativity.
Feb 6 “Expert Opinion on Legal Dispute between Anschütz & Co.
and Sperry Gyroscope Company” (Vol. 6, Doc. 12).
Feb 19 Lectures to the DPG on a direct proof of Ampère’s molecu-
lar currents.
Mar 25 Lectures “Über den Grundgedanken der allgemeinen Relati-
vitätstheorie und Anwendungen dieser Theorie in der Astro-
nomie” to the physical-mathematical class of the PAW.
Mar 26 Appears before Berlin court to give expert patent opinion in
Anschütz vs. Sperry dispute.
Apr 10 Submits expanded version of his lecture on Ampère’s
molecular currents, “Experimental Proof of Ampère’s
Molecular Currents” (with W. J. de Haas) (Vol. 6, Doc. 13).
Apr 16–Aug 15 Lectures on the theory of relativity at the University of
Berlin, Thursdays, 2–4 P.M.
Apr 23 “Experimental Proof of the Existence of Ampère’s Molecu-
lar Currents” (with W. J. de Haas) (Vol. 6, Doc. 14).
May 7 “Experimental Proof of Ampère’s Molecular Currents”
(Vol. 6, Doc. 15) is published.
May 10 “Correction of My Joint Paper with J. W. de Haas: ‘Experi-
mental Proof of Ampère’s Molecular Currents’” (Vol. 6,
Doc. 16).
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