C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 5 – 1 9 1 6 2 0 1
Nov 11 Submits “On the General Theory of Relativity (Adden-
dum)” (Vol. 6, Doc. 22) to the PAW.
Nov 15 “Comment on Our Paper: ‘Experimental Proof of Ampère’s
Molecular Currents’” (with W. J. de Haas) (Vol. 6, Doc. 23).
Nov 18 Submits “Explanation of the Perihelion Motion of Mercury
from the General Theory of Relativity” (Vol. 6, Doc. 24) to
the PAW.
Nov 25 Submits “The Field Equations of Gravitation” (Vol. 6,
Doc. 5) to the PAW.
Nov 28 In conversation with H. Struve, director of the Observatory
in Potsdam, requests that E. Freundlich be permitted to per-
form experiments there for testing general relativity.
Dec 8 At H. Rubens’s Wednesday physics colloquium at the Uni-
versity, presents the first part of a lecture on his theory of
Dec 17 Speaks to the DPG on the general theory of relativity and on
its explanation of the motion of the perihelion of Mercury.
Dec 18 Elected corresponding member of the Royal Society of Göt-
tingen after being nominated on 5 December by D. Hilbert,
F. Klein, C. Runge, W. Voigt, and E. Wiechert.
Dec 22 At H. Rubens’s Wednesday colloquium, presents the second
part of a lecture on his theory of gravitation.
Jan 13 Communicates Schwarzschild 1916a to the PAW.
Jan 14 Lectures to the DPG, “Zur Begründung der Tetrode-
Sackurschen Bestimmung der Entropiekonstanten,” which
may be a variant of “On the Theory of Tetrode and Sackur
for the Entropy Constant” (Vol. 6, Doc. 26).
Jan 20 Co-signs proposal to award the Leibniz Gold Medal for
1916 to O. von Schjerning, director of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-
Akademie für das Militärärztliche Bildungswesen.
Feb 3 Submits “A New Formal Interpretation of Maxwell’s Field
Equations of Electrodynamics” (Vol. 6, Doc. 27) to the
Feb 6 Proposes divorce from Mileva Einstein-Maric; after a sepa-
ration of a year and a half.
Feb 7 The Bund “Neues Vaterland” is outlawed for the duration of
the war.