2 0 2 C H R O N O L O G Y , 1 9 1 6
Feb 24 Communicates Schwarzschild 1916b to the PAW.
Feb 25 Performs a demonstration experiment at the DPG for the
proof of Ampère’s molecular currents, published as “A Sim-
ple Experiment to Demonstrate Ampère’s Molecular Cur-
rents” (Vol. 6, Doc. 28).
Mar 8 A. Braumüller, Kommandant der Residenz Berlin, asks
whether Einstein, a Swiss citizen, is a salaried member of
the PAW and, if so, requests copies of his file. Complains
that, when traveling, Einstein has repeatedly neglected to
register with the police, either in Berlin or at his destination,
which he is obliged to do as a national of a neutral foreign
Mar 14 Obituary for E. Mach (Vol. 6, Doc. 29).
Mar 16 The PAW, with M. Planck’s signature, releases copies of
Einstein’s personal file to the Berlin Kommandantur.
Mar 20 “The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity”
(Vol. 6, Doc. 30). An unpublished “Appendix” supplies his
“Formulation of the Theory on the Basis of a Variational
Principle” (Vol. 6, Doc. 31).
Mar 23 Lectures “Über einige anschauliche Überlegungen aus dem
Gebiete der Relativitätstheorie” to the PAW.
Apr 6 Begins three-week vacation in Switzerland.
May 5 Succeeds Haber as chairman of the DPG.
Jun 2 Delivers two lectures to the DPG on a thermodynamic deri-
vation of the photochemical equivalence law and on an ele-
mentary explanation of water waves and of flight.
Jun 21 At H. Rubens’s Wednesday colloquium, reviews Gans’s the-
ory of diamagnetism and paramagnetism.
Jun 22 Presents his “Approximative Integration of the Field Equa-
tions of Gravitation” (Vol. 6, Doc. 32) to the PAW.
Jun 29 Eulogizes K. Schwarzschild at a public session of the PAW
(Vol. 6, Doc. 33).
ca. Jul 3 Einstein-Maric; is confined to bed in Zurich for more than a
Jul 13 Elected a member of the commission of the PAW to decide
the Schwarzschild succession.
Jul 17 “Emission and Absorption of Radiation in Quantum
Theory” (Vol. 6, Doc. 34).
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