4 2 2 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 1
Dec 4 TLS from Ludwig Koessler. They will rent the concert hall
for the lecture. Solicits a second or even third lecture in the
great lecture hall of Urania, and offers 5,000 crowns for
each as honorarium. AVÖVa, Bestand Wiener Urania, Box
14, Mappe “Persönliche Vorträge, Albert Einstein.”
[91 803].
Dec 11 TLS from Ludwig Koessler (Urania). Confirms that no
additional lectures will be scheduled, and that the lecture’s
title will be “The Theory of Relativity.” Encloses the entry
permit to Austria. The income from the entrance fee to the
13 Jan lecture will increase the construction fund of a new
branch headquarters. Expects lecture abstract for publica-
tion. [10 370].
Dec 15 Dft announcement of AE’s lecture in Vienna on 13 Jan. The
income from ticket sales (20–200 crowns) will contribute to
the construction fund of a Urania branch house. AVÖVa,
Bestand Wiener Urania, Box 14, Mappe “Persönliche Vor-
träge, Albert Einstein.” [91 801]; Neues Wiener Tagblatt, 15
Dec 1920.
Dec 17 TLS from Ludwig Koessler. Attaches the weekly informa-
tion leaflet of Urania with the announcement of AE’s lec-
ture. Invites to visit the institution’s facilities. AVÖVa,
Bestand Wiener Urania, Box 14, Mappe “Persönliche Vor-
träge, Albert Einstein.” [91 798].
Dec 29 TK from IE to Ludwig Koessler. Thanks for the honorarium
and visa. AE will be happy to visit the Urania. AVÖVa,
Bestand Wiener Urania, Box 14, Mappe “Persönliche Vor-
träge, Albert Einstein.” [91 783].
Dec 31 TLS from Ludwig Koessler. The 2,000 seats sold out in a
few days. Solicits further lectures because members of Ura-
nia clamor for tickets. They invited the prime minister, the
minister of education, the president of the Academy of Sci-
ences, etc. AVÖVa, Bestand Wiener Urania, Box 14, Mappe
“Persönliche Vorträge, Albert Einstein.” [91 797].
1921 Brochure by Robert Büchler, Lehrsätze über das Weltall mit
Beweis in Form eines offenen Briefes an Professor Einstein,
published in Aachen. With supplement dated Sep 1921 and
another two-page statement published in Jun 1922.
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