C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 2 3
TTr of a dedication to Max Wulford on a portrait by Wul-
ford: “Gut gemalt in kurzer Frist; Das Modell zufrieden ist.”
[31 021].
Jan 3 TLS from Münchner Neueste Nachrichten. Consul Laub
had approached AE for an article on relativity for their new
Spanish-language weekly magazine. Since AE declined,
they ask for permission to publish an abridged version of
Einstein 1920j. [44 505].
ALS from Otto Radtke. Requests disbursement of 200 M
for the preparation of KWIP budget for Apr 1919–Mar
1920. [77 582].
after Jan 3 Dft to Münchner Neueste Nachrichten in IE’s hand:
“[Ansch]lag über das Honorar Editionsrecht durch einma-
lige Publikation nicht ange[tastet].” [44 505].
Dft to Otto Radtke in IE’s hand, inquiring why Radtke is
requesting his honorarium in cash rather than, as earlier,
through transfer by M&Co. [77 582.1].
Jan 4 TLS from Friedrich Michael. Solicits an exhaustive bibliog-
raphy of papers on the theory of relativity, or a popular arti-
cle, or, at least, a fragment of an unpublished manuscript for
the new journal of the German Society for Foreign Book
Trade, Das deutsche Buch. [43 394].
TLC from Springer. Asks whether they could publish AE’s
speech (Einstein 1921c) to be delivered on 24 Jan (the even-
tual date was 27 Jan). Also asks AE to reconsider the sug-
gestion made in Bad Nauheim that AE confront the
opponents of the theory of relativity in a small book.
[71 437].
after Jan 4 AD. “Nobelkomité des norweg. Parlaments Drammensvei
19 Christiana, Antrag des tschechischen Parlament.”
[30 044].
Jan 5 TLC to Lucien Lévy-Bruhl. He has an aversion to writing
popular papers on relativity because too many words have
been wasted on it, and there are others who can do it better
than he. [44 295].
TLC from IE to Vieweg. Acknowledges receipt of a check
for 14,400 M and a transfer of 890.50 M. Attaches three