4 4 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
TLS from Michael J. Ahern. Invites to lecture at Canisius
College, Buffalo. [36 204].
Tgm from Norman E. Himes. Invites to speak on interna-
tional conciliation to Student Liberal Club of Harvard Uni-
versity. [36 223].
TLS from Jay Schamberg. Proposes that AE visit Philadel-
phia on 29 May. Presents list of prominent citizens (not
available) to be approached for subscriptions for the Hebrew
University project. [86 015].
Cable from Michael Sadler, vice chancellor of Leeds Uni-
versity, to Chaim Weizmann. Invites AE to lecture at the
University of Leeds and asks Weizmann to exert his influ-
ence to “induce him to accept.” IsReY. [89 034].
May TLS from Slowo. Agreed with Gregorius Itelson on an hon-
orarium higher than 3% of the book price, but with a dead-
line of 1 July. Requests a statement that Vieweg is entitled
to sign an agreement with Slowo on the Russian publication
of AE’s writings (Einstein 1920j or 1921c). [41 1035].
Dft IE to Slowo. Agrees to Russian translation of his book-
let (Einstein 1917a). [41 1037].
May–Jun AD from Methuen. They have sent £121 15s in royalties for
English edition of Einstein 1917a (up to 31 Dec 1920) to
Paul Ehrenfest. [67 842].
May 2 Arrives in Chicago. An evening reception is arranged for
him by Max Epstein in his home in Kenwood. Chicago
Daily Tribune, 2 May; Goodspeed 1953, p. 260.
TLS from Henry A. Miers. Fearing that his letter of 21 Apr
has been lost, he repeats its content. [44 378].
TLS from C. Roediger. The chancellor of the University of
London proposes that AE lecture on 8 Jun, in German. A
written abstract would help the interpreter. [44 138].
May 2–7 In Chicago, meets with R. A. Millikan, Carl Beck, Ernest
Zeisler, Horace Lewinson, and Francis Neilson (Neilson
19521953, Vol. 2, pp. 141–142). Zionist Delegation
receives messages of welcome to Chicago from Mayor Wil-
liam H. Thompson and Illinois governor Lennington Small
(Roth 2002, p. 141).
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