C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 4 9
May 3 First lecture at the University of Chicago. Dines with Presi-
dent Judson and members of the university and neighboring
colleges at the Quadrangle Club. Daily Maroon (University
of Chicago), 4 May; Henry Crew’s diary, IENU; Chicago
Tribune, 3 May.
May 4 Second lecture at the University of Chicago.
ALS to William E. Hocking in Solomon Ginzberg’s hand.
Looks forward to meet him in person at Harvard on 17 or 18
May. MH. [89 873].
Autographs cards to be auctioned to help Near East-Chinese
Famine Drive. Daily Maroon (University of Chicago),
5 May.
ALS from Frederick A. Lindemann, hoping to see AE in
London; invites AE to visit with him in Oxford and at his
parents’ home in Sidmouth. Has written the short biography,
and will send copy for review. [16 335].
May 5 Third lecture at the University of Chicago.
Lectures on “Scientific Research” at Francis W. Parker
School, Chicago.
TLS from Henry A. Miers. Suggests 6 Jun as the best date
for AE’s lecture at the University of Manchester. The Zion-
ist Association in London expects AE to leave New York on
28 May and to arrive in Manchester on 6 or 7 Jun. [44 379].
Awarded foreign membership by the Royal Society of Lon-
don. UkLRS, EC/1921/03. [76 427]. Diploma [65 014].
May 6 Visits Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin (see Edwin B. Frost
to Max Epstein, 20 May 1921 [83 528]. ICU-Y). See Illus-
tration 6.
TL from Theodore Lyman. In fear of loss of his previous
letter of 29 Apr, repeats his invitation to Harvard University.
MH, Department of Physics, box 118. [85 220].
May 7 ALS from Graeber. The Scientific Examining Board (Wis-
senschaftliche Prüfungskommission) grants 110 M for par-
ticipation in examination matters. [44 690].
Charles P. Gillen, mayor of Newark, N.J., calls upon “all
citizens whose sympathies are in harmony with the National
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