4 8 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1
of state, an amateur mathematician, whom he had intro-
duced to AE when he visited in the U.S. [44 594].
Dec 25 “The Plight of German Science. A Danger for the Nation” is
published (Vol. 7, Doc. 70).
TLC from IE to Vieweg. Acknowledges receipt of Vieweg’s
check for 54,843.15 M sent on 22 Dec (Calendar). [42 118].
Dec 29 IE to Methuen. AE accepts the proposal. [69 011].
IE to Teubner. Acknowledges receipt of 1,931.25 M for
Lorentz et al. 1922. AE will not give Teubner the right of
translation of his papers in the volume because the royalties
for the German edition are too low. [41 1092].
Agreement with Methuen. For copies sold in Great Britain,
Methuen will pay 12.5% royalties for Lorentz et al. 1920
and 20% for Einstein 1920j and 1921c; the corresponding
numbers for the American market are 15% and 20%, resp.
[69 978], [67 979].
Dec 30 TLC to M. Réfik (Barth). Does not agree to publish Einstein
1916f abroad on its own, without its connection to his other
papers on the same topic. Consequently he does not give
permission for its French translation. [41 1003].
TLC to Friedrich Glum. Attached sends the tax booklet.
[40 143].
TLC to Swedish Royal Society of Sciences and Arts, Goth-
enburg. Expresses his thanks for being elected foreign mem-
ber. [30 145].
TLS from Friedrich Glum. Adds to his letter of 15 Dec that
M&Co was instructed to raise the sum of operating
expenses of the KWIP to 2,000 M. [82 743].
TLS from Eberhard Zschimmer. He performed the Gedan-
kenexperiment described in the 6th edition of Einstein
1917a, p. 57, namely, he heated the center of a glass sheet
and followed the stress phenomena. Will repeat the experi-
ment with higher precision. Suggests that AE conceive a
small book in which relativity is expounded based on illus-
trative measurements. [24 158].
Dec 31 IE to Franz Vámos. AE gives him permission to translate
Einstein 1920j and 1921c into Hungarian for 15% of asking
price, and expresses his thanks for the score of a string quar-
tet by Zoltán Kodály. [45 174].