C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 1 4 8 7
TLS from Vieweg. Attaches a check for 54,843.15 M.
[42 117].
AE invites participants to an “internal gathering” (“interne
Versammlung”) of ca. 150 of the most prominent Jews of
Berlin held at the house of Felix Rosenblüth, president of
the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland. At the gath-
ering, Chaim Weizmann delivered a report on the political
situation and colonization efforts in Palestine. Jüdische
Rundschau, 30 Dec 1921.
Dec 23 TLS from Friedrich Glum. Asks that the tax card and tax
booklet that will be sent to the KWIP before 1 Jan 1922 be
forwarded to him. The tax will be paid in tax marks by the
KWG’s secretary’s office. AE will be informed of the tax
marks spent in each case. [40 142].
ALS from Lucien Lévy-Bruhl. Solicits article for the Revue
philosophique to fight against the vulgarization of relativity
in France, and offers 5 francs per page. [44 293].
TLS from Rudolf Schneider. Invites AE to a session of the
Einstein Donation Fund board of trustees, to be held on 4
Jan 1922 in his home. [11 252].
At his apartment, AE hosts a small gathering of German-
Jewish scholars and academics and Chaim Weizmann, to
discuss plans for the establishment of the Hebrew Univer-
sity. Jüdische Rundschau, 30 Dec 1921, p. 740.
after Dec 23 Dft to Rudolf Schneider. Special circumstances force him to
leave the Einstein Donation Fund board of trustees, there-
fore cannot attend its session. [11 253].
Dec 24 ALS from Jacques Loeb. Completed the manuscript of a
book on colloids. His views are going to be accepted in
America and England, and, more slowly, in Germany. Con-
trasts Buddhist way of conduct with the megalomania and
brutality of the militaristic Christian civilization. [15 187].
TLS from Martin Nordegg. Requests a photo portrait with
dedication and bibliographic data of AE’s new publications
in English for Thomas D. Mulvey, Canadian undersecretary