D O C U M E N T S 1 6 , 1 7 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 1 1 5
15. To Urania in Vienna (Ludwig Koessler)[1]
[Vienna,] 15 January 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
16. To Paul Ehrenfest[1]
Vienna, 16 January
Dear Ehrenfest,
It was a nice, jolly time here, despite the difficult circumstances lurking in the
background, and we thought of you very much, spoke about all of you. I’m pleased
to have met your
I’ll write you very soon. The car is coming to whisk me
away for
Cordial greetings, yours,
A. Einstein.
17. From Emil and Johanna Zürcher
Zurich, 16 January 1921
Esteemed, dear Professor,
The picture you sent us was a big Christmas treat and it will always remain dear
and important to
It will always remind me of the hour in the Zurich court-
house when you tried to grant me an insight into your theoretical
As I
am too little schooled to comprehend the material substance, I must confine myself
to thinking of the psychological preconditions of thought, of the essence of objec-
tivity; of impartiality, feeling distrustful towards conventional ideas. This already
is much, so I may say: even where I understood nothing I learned much.
We see your sons daily and we can assure you that they are developing into capa-
ble, level-headed, valuable
The guidance and upbringing is good; a
short while ago my wife said that the care and education could not be better, and
that later, when both children have become independent young men standing
before you and wanting to learn from you, you will surely feel a profound gratitude
toward the
who is trying so hard. There can be no doubt that the mother