D O C U M E N T 3 0 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 1 2 7
you please to arrange that they be issued the transit permits through Germany upon
request in
Since they only have a short vacation and have many things
to do, every single delay is very bad for them. Whether they are perhaps later going
to need a permit for a sojourn inside Germany, I don’t know. But I consider it likely.
If Joffe, for instance, should look you up, do welcome him cordially. He is not
just a highly talented physicist, to whom I owe very much scientifically (He
expresses himself
!!!!!! but is excellent as a lecturer.—Just in indi-
vidual conversation he is desultory and unclear, because he thinks it tasteless to
recount everything necessary.) but is also an uncommonly fine and nice person—
you know, one of the showpieces in my menagerie!!–
— • —
— • —
Van Aardenne is in Davos at the moment for a couple of weeks—not actually
sick, but nonetheless for a bit of recuperation.
Harm and the two girls were first in Cannes together with the
they are alone in Celerina (Switzerland).–
Lorentz commissioned me to write on behalf of Bohr the Bohr-atom-presenta-
tion for
Result: suicidal thoughts.
I’m already looking forward to you with great impatience. It’s good that you will
be in Leyden after Brussels and will lecture a little. Oh yes—Einstein—I do under-
stand that you’re sick and tired of the constant shuttling back and forth—but I really
will do my utmost to arrange that you are able to retreat for hours in a room re-
served especially for you in my new little building.
Let me hope that the enteritis you wrote about is quickly over. I would very much
like to get a very brief report about it!—through Ilse, perhaps. Please retain a pos-
itive image of Leyden and all of us in your mind!!–
When I heard Busch playing for 5
—Beethoven quart. op. 59, no. 1,
I thought—he must understand mathematics well—but physics?—No, that would
have been unknown to him—Imagine this—when I asked him about it later, it
turned out to be right. If you see him or his wife again, give them my regards—I
fear I imposed myself upon them.—But I liked them so much! Their child must be
charming.– Greetings to all of you,
P. E.