4 8 V O L . 7 , D O C . 6 0 a C A L C U L A T I O N S O N C O O L E R Eine genauere Theorie muss die Wärmeleitung des Austauschers berücksichti- gen, da ein vollkommen isolierter, nichtleitender Austauscher keine stationäre Temperaturverteilung haben könnte. Bemerkung. Eine untere Grenze der erzielbaren Abkühlung ist dadurch gegeben, dass für die tiefste Temperatur (Entspanner) nicht negativ werden kann. AD. [18 448]. [1]Dated on the assumption that the calculations refer to Einstein’s collaboration with Nernst on a cooling machine. Technical tests of this machine were conducted in 1921 (see Walther Nernst to Ein- stein, 29 July 1921, and Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest, 1 September 1921 [Vol. 12, Docs. 195 and 219, respectively]) and in early 1922 (see Doc. 67). [2]Walther Nernst (1864–1941) was Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Berlin. [3]The rectangular structure at the top is a compressor with a movable piston (the rod extending to the left controls the piston). The elongated structure below is the heat exchanger. [4]They first offered the invention to an Esslingen factory, which rejected it because of a fire hazard danger (see Walther Nernst to Einstein, 29 July 1921 [Vol. 12, Doc. 195]), from which it can be inferred (see Graff 2004, p. 213) that the refrigerant must have been a hydrocarbon and definitely not ammonia. They later concluded an agreement with A. Borsig Ltd (see Abs. 63 and Doc. 67). T∂v v -- - ∂p 1–