9 4 D O C U M E N T 2 7 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 2 ALS (GyMDM, HS 1977-28/A, 78). Einstein and Sommerfeld 1968, pp. 97–98 Sommerfeld 2004, pp. 111–113. [21 402]. [1]Dated on the assumption that it was written after Docs. 25 and 26. [2]Doc. 14 and perhaps the circular mentioned in it. [3]For his cancellation in Göttingen, see Docs. 25 and 26. [4]Max von Laue see also Doc. 25. [5]See Doc. 29. [6]See Doc. 14, especially note 9. [7]Sommerfeld had been a doctoral adviser to, among others, Peter Debye, Wilhelm Lenz, Alfred Landé, Paul Epstein, and Wolfgang Pauli. Currently, Werner Heisenberg was studying with him (Eckert 2009). [8]Johanna Sommerfeld (1874–1955) Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe.