C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 2 7 7 7 November 25 Delivers first scientific lecture at the Physics Institute of Tokyo Imperial University. November 27 Delivers second scientific lecture at the Physics Institute of Tokyo Imperial University. November 28 Reception at the Tokyo University of Commerce. Delivers third scientific lecture at the Physics Institute of Tokyo Imperial University. November 29 Attends tea ceremony. Reception at Waseda University in Tokyo. Delivers fourth scientific lecture at the Physics Institute of Tokyo Imperial University. Reception at the Tokyo Women’s Higher Normal School. November 30 Visits the Division of Imperial Court Music at the Imperial Household Agency. Delivers fifth scientific lecture at the Physics Institute of Tokyo Imperial University. Reception held by students of all Tokyo universities. December 1 Delivers sixth scientific lecture at the Physics Institute of Tokyo Imperial University. December 2 Visits the Tokyo School of Technology. Train journey to Sendai. December 3 Delivers third public lecture at Sendai Civic Auditorium. Inscribes his signature with Japanese calligraphy brushes on the wall of a conference room at Tohoku Imperial Univer- sity in Sendai, beneath the signature of Hans Molisch: “Albert Einstein 3.XII 22.” JSeTU. [95 037]. Train journey to the Matsushima Islands. December 4 Train journey to Nikko. December 5 Sightseeing at Lake Chuzenji. December 6 Sightseeing in Nikko. Return train journey to Tokyo. December 7 Train journey to Nagoya. December 8 Delivers fourth public lecture at the Gymnasium for National Sport in Nagoya. December 9 Sightseeing in Nagoya. Train journey to Kyoto.
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