7 7 6 C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 2 November “Denkschrift über die KWG, u. a. Leitung des KWI für Physik in Berlin durch AE.” Kirsten and Treder 1979b, p. 75, No. 263. November 2 Arrival in Singapore. November 3 Departure from Singapore. November 9 Awared the Nobel Prize in Physics for the year 1921. Arrives in Hong Kong. November 10 Departs from Hong Kong. before November 13 Arrives in Shanghai. The Moscow Committee of the Russian Communist Party denounces Einstein’s theory of relativity as a “reactionary theory leading to the support of counter-revolutionary ideas.” Relativity “does away with materialism” and postu- lates that “intellect and conscience exist independently of time and space,” while “time and space cannot exist inde- pendently of intellect and conscience.” Irish Times, 13 November 1922. November 14 Departs from Shanghai. November 17 Arrives in Kobe. Train journey to Kyoto. November 18 Sightseeing tour of Kyoto. Train journey to Tokyo. November 19 Delivers first public lecture at Keio University. November 20 Reception in AE’s honor held by the Imperial Academy of Sciences at the Koishikawa Botanical Gardens. November 21 Attends chrysanthemum-viewing garden party in the gar- dens of the Akasaka Imperial Palace. Greeted by Empress Teimei. November 22 Reception at Kaizo-Sha. November 23 On AE’s behalf, Max von Laue presents “Comment on E. Trefftz’s Paper” (Doc. 387) and “On Anisotropic Pressure Forces in Gases with Heat-Flow” (Doc. 339) to the plenary session of PAW. ca. November 24 Admitted as foreign member to the Imperial Japanese Acad- emy of Sciences. Its rules had to be amended to enable this. Yomiuri Shinbun, 24 November 1922. November 24 Delivers second public lecture at the Youth Assembly Hall in Tokyo.