APPENDIX F SPEECH AT JEWISH RECEPTION IN SHANGHAI The speech was delivered at the reception of the Quest Club in Shanghai on 1 January 1923 and published on 3 January 1923 in The China Press. I was asked to say a few words about the University at Jerusalem. I arrived at the con- viction that such an institution was necessary from personal experience. While I was study- ing in Switzerland I did not even know that I was a Jew. I was satisfied to know only that I was a man. When I came later to Berlin, I became aware that many like myself felt the spir- itual need. They required something whereby to make their Jewish consciousness articulate and audible, and as the need could not be supplied some attempted to stifle it by artificial means which brought them no satisfaction. Then came Zionism and brought a new harmony into the souls of many. Now the Jewish University will provide the focus for the Jewish spirit and will enable Jewish scholars to find their bearings. It will not be so much a school for students as a rallying point for Jewish scholarship and an authoritative center of Jewish thought that will help to define and clarify our outlook throughout the wide world. And from it influences will radiate that will enliven and inspirit the diverse communities of scattered Israel.
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