D O C U M E N T 9 0 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 1 0 5 be left to you to set their number, depending on the nature of your lecture topic and on your personal preference. I confine myself to suggesting, as a simple indicator, that it could range from between 3 and 5. In accordance with the wish you expressed to Mr. Langevin,[3] they would take place before a restricted audience composed of specially invited experts, mathematicians, physicists, or philosophers.[4] They could, if you deem it appropriate, lead some discussions. The compensation allotted by vote of the assembly to the speaker is 5,000 francs. I would be obliged if you would kindly indicate to me in your reply the general title under which the issues addressed in these talks are to be grouped and precisely on which date they will commence. We need this for the letters of invitation that we shall have to send out. It is a my duty to append to this invitation my colleagues’ gratitude along with my own. The Collège de France has always had the honor of welcoming those who contribute to progress in science and who open new paths to the endeavors of the human intellect. The universal opinion of the most qualified scholars counts you among these masters of contemporary thought. We should be pleased if for a few days you would occupy one of our chairs. With high regards, Administrator of the Collège de France, Maurice Croiset. 89. To Max Hirschfeld Berlin, 17 March [1922] [Not selected for translation.] 90. To Paul Winteler and Maja Winteler-Einstein Berlin, 17 March 1922 Dear Pauli and dear Sister, With dismay I gathered from the card[1] [. . .]. I’m going to Paris on 28 Mar. to deliver some lectures at the Collège de France and in the fall to Japan and China. Maybe I’ll take Else along.