1 0 6 D O C U M E N T S 9 2 , 9 4 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 91. To Arnold Berliner [Berlin, on or after 17 March 1922][1] [Not selected for translation.] 92. To Maurice Croiset 18 March 1922 Highly esteemed Colleague, Mr. Langevin offered a few detailed suggestions about the scheduled presenta- tions, with which I thoroughly agree.[1] It would therefore probably be best if you had the invitations issued in the form you he deems right regarding the choice of titles for the individual talks as well as regarding the selection of invited auditors.[2] I feel the need to tell you that I consider this invitation a courageous act of goodwill and reconciliation and that it is also rated highly in this sense by all perspicuous men here with whom I had occasion to talk about it. The fears I mentioned in m[y] first letter appear to be exaggerated.[3] I anticipate arriving in Paris on 28 Mar. In the happy prospect of soon making your personal acquaintance, I am, with kind regards, yours sincerely. 93. To Gustav and Regina Maier-Friedländer[1] [Berlin, 18 March 1922][2] [Not selected for translation.] 94. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe Kiel, 18 March 1922 Esteemed Professor Einstein, Your letter from the 10th of this mo. no longer reached me in Munich and fol- lowed me here we have been here for 8 days. Despite very serious worries, I am sitting at my desk my wife was operated on this evening for appendicitis with quite nasty complications.[1] I just came back from the clinic, where the poor dear is apa- thetically and yet painfully resting. The prognosis is at least such that a good deal of hope remains.