D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 2 3 1 3 of this nation seem to have been weaker than its artistic ones: natural predisposition?[123] 6th. Visited Temple system at Nikko. Nature and architecture magnificently united. Cedar avenue. Enhancement through system of courtyards. Central building marvelously decorated with colorful carvings. Somewhat overdone.[124] Joy in rep- resenting nature outweighs the architectonic and even more so the religious. Long talk by priest about historical matters—not about experience. Wonderful stone stairway under cedars to the grave of the eldest Tokugawa.[125] Afternoon, Brother Beck with daughter here. Walking path to [train] station with these mountains fab- ulously illuminated by the setting sun. Trip to Tokyo.[126] There, great scurry of packing in the hotel. 7th. Even greater scurry with noise, suitcase shutting. Bärwald also there. Trip to train station. Final departure from Tokyo. Travel with Ishiw., Inagakis, Yamamoto & wife to Nagoya. I busy with article writing, very hurriedly, about Jap- anese impressions.[127] Arrival, met by great crowd of students and pupils. Pleasant supper with the entire company with four people from Kaizo’s publishing house in tavern room decorated with maple.[128] Upstairs in Inagakis’ room. Met Michaelis in the hotel.[129] 8th 9th. Morning walk along the main street of Nagoya up to train station futile attempt to buy pipe tobacco. With Yam., Inag., & Ishiwara, visit of Shintoist temple. Large grove. In it, temple complex according to courtyard system. Elegant, smooth wooden structures. Undecorated. Empty little houses for souls.[130] Must have come from the south. Characteristic roof projection.7 Natural religion, utilized by the state. Much god worship. Ancestors & emperor cult. Trees the main thing in the temple complex. Trip to Kyoto following great farewells at station by students and teachers. Kyoto, friendly welcome by univ. physicists and students.[131] 8th).[132] Visit of the imperial palace with magnificent fortified building (tower- like). Inside the palace, splendid paintings of nature on the walls and doors. Tigers, winter room, plants and birds. Courtly scenes.[133] Afternoon, music making with Michaelis, major talk in the circus with Ishiwara.[134] 10 11th.[135] Trip to Osaka (large factory and commercial town). Met by mayor & students at train station. In hotel ½ past 11, important dignitaries. Introduction [p. 23v] [p. 24]