2 4 6 D O C . 1 5 2 O R I G I N O F G E O M A G N E T I C F I E L D Akad d. W. XVII 1923. Gl. (6) und (15).” The reference is to Weyl 1923a and Einstein 1923n (Doc. 52). [4]For a derivation of this equation, see Doc. 31. A similar equation also appears in Doc. 89. [5]From this word on, the remainder of the text is written in Hermann Mark’s hand. [6]Only one page of the manuscript is extant. Mark later recollected: “The manuscript page (started by Einstein and continued by me) is the beginning of the draft for a paper which was never published because a series of experiments which I carried out in 1923 at Einstein’s suggestion did not give any conclusive results. I do not know where the following pages are as far as I can remember, this draft was about three to four handwritten pages long” (see Hermann Mark to Peter Bergmann, 11 April 1967 [17 080]).