C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 3 8 0 7 July 25 Scripta Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymita- narum is being issued. The volumes on exact sciences will be edited by AE. Jewish Telegraphic Agency Daily News Bulletin. July 26 Signs new Will (Doc. 91). July 30 Attends pacifist rallies under the slogan “Nie wieder Krieg” in Berlin with Paul Langevin. Vossische Zeitung, 31 July 1923, ME. August 8–18 In Lautrach with Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein. August 18 Returns to Berlin. September 1–16 In Kiel with Hans Albert. September 3 Elected honorary chairman of OZE, the Jewish association for the improvement of health conditions among Jews. Jewish Telegraphic Agency Daily News Bulletin, 4 September 1923. September 16 Turns down invitation to visit the Soviet Union (Doc. 117). September 16–23 In Bonn for the annual meeting of the Deutsche Physikali- sche Gesellschaft. before September 22 Completes “The Affine Field Theory” (Doc. 122). September 24 Arrives in Leyden. before October 3 Elected member of the Kuratorium of the Astrophysikali- sches Institut in Potsdam. Vossische Zeitung, 3 October 1923, EE. October 10 Returns to Berlin. October 16 Einstein and Ehrenfest 1923 (Doc. 129) is received by the Zeitschrift für Physik. October 27 Attends a joint meeting of German and Indian scientists at the Eden Hotel in Berlin. Vossische Zeitung, 30 October 1923, ME. November–December Cosigns circular of the Deutsche Pazifistische Studenten- bund. Die Friedens-Warte 23 (1923): 411. November 5–6 Food riots and violent attacks on Jews in Berlin. after 6 November Completes Doc. 139. November 7 or 8 Hastily departs Berlin.