8 0 6 C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 3 June Betty Neumann is hired to work as AE’s secretary (Betty Newman: “When I was Einstein’s Secretary….” Unpub- lished TD [NNLBI, Papers of the Muehsam Family, AR 25021, Betty Newman, Box 7, Folder 43], p. 10. [90 781]). June 5 Completes the introduction to Felix Eberty’s book Die Gestirne und die Weltgeschichte (Doc. 55). June 7 AE awarded the medal Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste. Vossische Zeitung, 12 June 1923, EE. June 9 “Comment on the Note by W. Anderson, ‘A New Explana- tion of the Continuous Corona Spectrum’” (Doc. 57) is published. June 26 Leaves for Kiel. June 28 The English translation of his resignation from the ICIC (Doc. 19) is published in the New York Times (Einstein 1923o). July 2 Completes “Experimental Determination of the Pore Size of Filters” (Doc. 72). July 8 Completes “Fundamental Ideas and Problems of the Theory of Relativity” (Doc. 75). Leaves for the 17th Skandinaviske Naturforskermøde in Gothenburg. July 9 Visits Niels Bohr in Copenhagen. July 10 Lectures on “Zur Weyl-Eddingtonschen Theorie.” Vilhelm Bjerknes, Hjalmar Tallqvist, Svante Arrhenius, Lars Vegard, Carl Benedicks, and Thorstein Wereide participate in the discussion. Fysisk Tidsskrift 21 (1923): 150. July 11 Delivers his Nobel lecture on the theory of relativity (Doc. 75) at the Skandinaviske Naturforskermøde in Gothenburg in the presence of Swedish King Gustav V. Vossische Zeitung, 12 July 1923, ME. July 15 Returns from Gothenburg to Berlin. after July 15 Completes “Antisemitism and Academic Youth” (Doc. 80). July 17 Completes “Message to a Gathering of the Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte” (Doc. 82). before July 22 Completes “Message for French Delegation” (Doc. 85).