8 1 0 C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 4 May 7 Completes “Remarks on the Current State of the Theory of Light” (Doc. 485). before May 22 Cosigns appeal of Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte to the Bavarian government for Erich Mühsam. [44 499]. May 26 Mileva Einstein-MariF purchases a house at Huttenstrasse 62 in Zurich. May 27 Returns to Berlin. May 28 Reports on Bohr, Kramers, and Slater 1924a at the Berlin physics colloquium (Doc. 256). May 30 Declares his willingness to rejoin the ICIC (Doc. 258). June Completes his introduction to a bilingual edition of Lucretius’s De rerum natura (Doc. 260). June 6 Departs on car trip to Göttingen with Henry Goldman. Visits Wittenberg and Bernburg. June 7 Arrives in Göttingen to visit the Borns. June 11 Visits Goslar and Hildesheim. June 12 Visits Braunschweig. June 13 or 14 Returns to Berlin. June 15 Attends premiere of a one-act play, “Belsazar,” by H. Rochit, based on the biblical legend, performed by a theater troupe from Palestine at the Comödia Valetti in Berlin. Vossische Zeitung, 16 June 1924, EE. June 25 Completes “On Rejoining the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation” (Doc. 274). Accepts his reelection to the ICIC. Attends the constitutive meeting of the Kuratorium of the Walther-Rathenau-Stiftung at the Rathenau villa in Grunewald, Berlin. Vossische Zeitung, 24 June 1924, ME. June 30 Completes “Opinion on Engels’ Dialectics of Nature” (Doc. 277). July 2 “Planck’s Law and Light Quantum Hypothesis by S. N. Bose” and “Translator’s Note” (Doc. 278) is received by the Zeitschrift für Physik. July 5 “Review of Planck: Wärmestrahlung” (Doc. 281) is published. before July 7 Completes “Appendix: Eddington’s Theory and Hamilton’s Principle” (Doc. 282).