C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 4 8 1 1 July 10 Presents “Quantum Theory of the Monatomic Ideal Gas” (Doc. 283) at the PAW. on or before July 21 Arrives in Geneva for the fourth session of the ICIC. July 21 “On the Theory of Radiometer Forces” (Doc. 290) is received by the Zeitschrift für Physik. July 23–24 Attends meetings of the bibliography subcommittee of the ICIC. July 25 “On the Centenary of Lord Kelvin’s Birth” (Doc. 293) is published. July 25–29 Attends meetings of the fourth session of the ICIC. July 29–30 In Zurich, where he picks up Hans Albert and Eduard for their joint vacation at Lautrach Castle. July 31–August 17 At Lautrach with his sons. August 17–20 Visits Camillus Brandhuber in Benzingen. “Comment on Satyendra Nath Bose, Heat Equilibrium in a Radiation Field in the Presence of Matter” (Doc. 305) is received by the Zeitschrift für Physik. August 20 Returns to Berlin. August 29 “On the League of Nations” (Doc. 314) is published. before 20 September Attends a lecture by the Bolivian attaché Prof. Arthur Posnansky on his research in Tiwanaku, Bolivia, at the Treptow Observatory, Berlin. Vossische Zeitung, 20 September 1924. September 20 Attends a Zionist “Memorial Day” in honor of Theodor Herzl and David Wolffsohn at the Blüthnersaal in Berlin. Vossische Zeitung, 23 September 1924, ME. “Review of Alfred C. Elsbach, Kant und Einstein” (Doc. 321) is published. after September 20 Completes “Statement on the United States of Europe” (Doc. 322). September 22 Arrives in Vienna. Is welcomed by representatives of the Palästina-Aufbaufond, Chief Rabbi Chajes, and the presi- dent of the Austrian Zionist Organization. His visit is solely devoted to supporting the Jewish national home in Palestine. Wiener Morgenzeitung, 23 September 1924. In the evening, delivers a lecture on the Keren Hayesod to an audience of Jewish bankers. The meeting is convened by
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