8 2 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 1 1 – 1 9 1 2 also agrees that AE should come to Zurich as soon as possible and should conclude the negotiations on his appointment in writing. On AE’s return he is looking forward to the opportunity to discuss themes personally that he himself grasps only intuitively. Schul- mann 2012, Doc. 32, p. 71. [95 305]. Vol. 5, 324a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, before 16 December 1911] Has suggested that Robert Gnehm send AE a telegram requesting AE’s presence at the negotiations in Zurich within a week. Has much to discuss with AE, including the news from Paul Langevin. More good news is that Peter Debye may stay in Zurich. Is very optimistic that AE will join him. The imminent approval of a credit of 11,5 million Swiss francs by the government for the expansion of the ETH almost guarantees this. Encour- ages AE to finish his article about residual radiation. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 34, p. 75. [95 306]. Vol. 5, 335a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 1 January 1912] Responds to AE’s preceding letter of 25 December 1911 (see Vol. 5, Doc. 330). Agrees with AE that Fritz Haber argues sloppily. Has received confirmation of his positive opin- ion of Isidor Traube, a physical chemist at the Technische Hochschule in Berlin. Wants to know what is wrong with AE’s formula about specific heat, and asks whether AE knows of the latest publications on compressibility of mercury. Has tried to bring the 1914 meeting of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte to Zurich. Will dis- cuss Pierre Weiss’s magnetron theory with him in Paris. Is currently working on another aspect of forensic medicine. Discusses Alfred Werner’s work on optically effective iso- mers of molecular compounds with him. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 36, p. 77. [95 307]. Vol. 5, 354a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 4 February 1912] Asks whether AE is coming to Zurich to find accommodations. His wife, Mathilde Zangger, and his doctoral student Robert Heller could help. Fortunately, not many peo- ple know of his complicity in AE’s appointment. If Fritz Haber comes to Prague and in- vites AE to Berlin, he advises him to say he is not prepared to accept a position there, at least not in the next five years. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 41, p. 85. [95 308]. Vol. 5, 373a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 14 March 1912 Matters are developing satisfactorily with regard to Zangger’s promotion to ordinarius. Obligations to his forensic medicine laboratory and the dental problems of his wife pre- vent him from visiting AE in Prague. When AE returns to Zurich he will already have moved to Bergstrasse 25 on the Zürichberg, far away from the noise and dangers of the apartment at Stadthausquai 1. As a result of repeated hostilities, he feels scientifically isolated. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 43, p. 89. [95 309]. Vol. 5, 373b. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, before 17 March 1912] Was hoping that AE would come at Easter to look for a place to live. His work in the laboratory is finally coming along but his investigations are questioned, in particular his paper on Avogadro’s number. Is planning to finish a large article on accidents in the me- chanical engineering industry by the end of the year. Since he has more income now, he will move to the Zürichberg. Robert Heller has passed his doctoral exam. Mathilde Zangger wants her husband to stay home during the holidays, so he cannot visit AE in Prague. Has just heard that he will soon become Ordinarius with all the financial com- mitments he had wished for. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 44, p. 90. [95 310]. Vol. 5, 379a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 30 March 1912] Is considering taking part in a project involving archaeological discoveries and the Medici archives on his way home from Italy. As of 15 April he will be Ordinarius in fo-