C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 1 2 1 9 1 5 8 2 5 rensic medicine, a discipline that now requires considerable attention. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 47, p. 94. [95 311]. Vol. 5, 400a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 24 April 1912 Expresses concern as AE has not sent any news about his trip to Berlin. As he himself is unable to write, his wife Mathilde informs him that Peter Debye will stay on in Zurich over the summer after all to lecture on radiation. Paul Ehrenfest will probably finish his Habilitation at the ETH in the fall. Simon Ratnowsky, who is also working on his Habi- litation, may become Alfred Kleiner’s assistant. As for AE’s appointment to the ETH, he would have preferred a joint professorship with the University of Zurich, which would have lessened the teaching load of Kleiner, who has put in quite a bit of energy on behalf of Debye. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 48, p. 95. [95 312]. Vol. 5, 412a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 5 July 1912 Expresses his thanks to AE for his contribution to the Festschrift for the opening of the new institute for forensic medicine the following week. The book is an appropriate re- sponse to all those who disagree with the interdisciplinary nature of social medicine. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 51, p. 100. [95 313]. Vol. 5, 483a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 10 November 1913] Asks for AE’s support in determining the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning at his place of work and offers guidelines for AE’s discussion with Gustav Keller, the director of Public Buildings for the Canton of Zurich. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 53, p. 101. [95 314]. Vol. 5, 483c. To Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 14 November 1913 In the matter of the poisonous gases in Zangger’s institute, the expert opinions of Otto Roth and a heating technician of the mechanical engineering firm of the Sulzer Brothers is sought. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 55, p. 104. [87 059]. Vol. 5, 509a. To Mr. and Mrs. Max Wohlwend Zurich, 6 February 1914 Cannot welcome them on Saturday since Eduard has pertussis and might pass it on to their children. AKS (GyBDPG). [94 905]. Vol. 8, 30a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 1 August 1914] Reproaches AE for having chosen the outbreak of the war as the time to move to Berlin. Is seriously affected by the death of his mother, Rosine Zangger-Müller. Inquires about the work on the bending of light. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 61, p. 111. [95 315]. Vol. 8, 34b. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 24 August 1914] Thanks AE for his letter of 24 August 1914 (Vol. 8, Doc. 34a, in Vol. 10). Reports that life has changed significantly in Zurich as well. Has no assistants at the institute. Hopes that Peter Debye will accept the position in Zurich. Blames England for its support of Russia against Japan, which will lead to increased militarization, including in the U.S. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 63, p. 114. Vol. 8, 34c. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 24 August 1914] Regrets the missed opportunity to make observations during the solar eclipse, and also AE’s absence from Zurich and the diminished contact with him. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 64, p. 115. Vol. 8, 46a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 18 January 1915] Efforts to transport war-wounded to Switzerland have foundered so far. The supply sit- uation is becoming difficult as a result of import restrictions by England and Italy. Has an absolutely negative opinion on the American preference for export and private
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 1 2 1 9 1 5 8 2 5 rensic medicine, a discipline that now requires considerable attention. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 47, p. 94. [95 311]. Vol. 5, 400a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 24 April 1912 Expresses concern as AE has not sent any news about his trip to Berlin. As he himself is unable to write, his wife Mathilde informs him that Peter Debye will stay on in Zurich over the summer after all to lecture on radiation. Paul Ehrenfest will probably finish his Habilitation at the ETH in the fall. Simon Ratnowsky, who is also working on his Habi- litation, may become Alfred Kleiner’s assistant. As for AE’s appointment to the ETH, he would have preferred a joint professorship with the University of Zurich, which would have lessened the teaching load of Kleiner, who has put in quite a bit of energy on behalf of Debye. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 48, p. 95. [95 312]. Vol. 5, 412a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 5 July 1912 Expresses his thanks to AE for his contribution to the Festschrift for the opening of the new institute for forensic medicine the following week. The book is an appropriate re- sponse to all those who disagree with the interdisciplinary nature of social medicine. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 51, p. 100. [95 313]. Vol. 5, 483a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 10 November 1913] Asks for AE’s support in determining the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning at his place of work and offers guidelines for AE’s discussion with Gustav Keller, the director of Public Buildings for the Canton of Zurich. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 53, p. 101. [95 314]. Vol. 5, 483c. To Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 14 November 1913 In the matter of the poisonous gases in Zangger’s institute, the expert opinions of Otto Roth and a heating technician of the mechanical engineering firm of the Sulzer Brothers is sought. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 55, p. 104. [87 059]. Vol. 5, 509a. To Mr. and Mrs. Max Wohlwend Zurich, 6 February 1914 Cannot welcome them on Saturday since Eduard has pertussis and might pass it on to their children. AKS (GyBDPG). [94 905]. Vol. 8, 30a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 1 August 1914] Reproaches AE for having chosen the outbreak of the war as the time to move to Berlin. Is seriously affected by the death of his mother, Rosine Zangger-Müller. Inquires about the work on the bending of light. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 61, p. 111. [95 315]. Vol. 8, 34b. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 24 August 1914] Thanks AE for his letter of 24 August 1914 (Vol. 8, Doc. 34a, in Vol. 10). Reports that life has changed significantly in Zurich as well. Has no assistants at the institute. Hopes that Peter Debye will accept the position in Zurich. Blames England for its support of Russia against Japan, which will lead to increased militarization, including in the U.S. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 63, p. 114. Vol. 8, 34c. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 24 August 1914] Regrets the missed opportunity to make observations during the solar eclipse, and also AE’s absence from Zurich and the diminished contact with him. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 64, p. 115. Vol. 8, 46a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 18 January 1915] Efforts to transport war-wounded to Switzerland have foundered so far. The supply sit- uation is becoming difficult as a result of import restrictions by England and Italy. Has an absolutely negative opinion on the American preference for export and private

