8 2 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 1 5 30 September in the Walter comb factory in Mümliswil, which caused thirty-three casu- alties, mostly young girls. The heroic actions of a few at the site of the accident inspire him again to help people. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 93, p. 158. [95 329]. Vol. 8, 123b. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 30 September 1915] Reports that Hans Albert Einstein is surprised he has not heard from AE. The solidarity of the Swiss workers is being sorely tested. AE should read volume 2 of Enriques 1915– 1934, who does not know AE’s work on gravitation. Will buy an illustrated magazine on butterflies for Hans Albert on AE’s behalf, as recommended by Gustav Huguenin. Has still not progressed with his own work on health risks, but has just finished a more fo- rensically oriented paper Zangger 1915b on the topic. The plan to bring wounded and ill soldiers into Switzerland was not realized. There is also no news on Heinrich Mousson’s succeeding Alfred Kleiner. Has not heard from Felix Kaufler and asks AE to write to him. Nor has he heard from Jan Weyssenhoff, but is taking the opportunity to send AE his work. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 94, p. 159. [95 330]. Vol. 8, 132a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 24 October 1915] Evokes the uprising against corrupt Rome by Mithridates IV of Pontus and his defeat by Sulla in Ferrero 1906–1907. Frederigo Enriques should receive AE’s publication about gravitation. Romain Rolland, about whom Paul Seippel has given a lecture, is expected in Zurich on 22 November. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 97, p. 165. [95 331]. Vol. 8, 133a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 1 November 1915] Hans Albert Einstein visited him on Sunday, showed him AE’s letter, which took more than three weeks to arrive, due to war censorship. He suggested that he meet AE at Michele Besso’s home at New Year’s, instead of in Berlin, where the situation is com- plicated. Besso has agreed to that. That would be the best solution, in order to avoid un- desirable tension. Romain Rolland is coming to Zurich at the end of November. Aurel Stodola is in full swing with his experiments on hand prostheses. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 98, p. 165. [95 332]. Vol. 8, 135a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, ca. 15 November 1915] Praises Klein, F. 1915, which he will send to Romain Rolland. Is full of admiration for Klein, the former Austrian minister of justice, who has written to him and has given his opinion about his work. His stomach ulcer is so painful that he is bedridden. Hans Albert Einstein is awaiting news from AE about the meeting at Besso’s during the Christmas holidays. Emphasizes how dependent on each other and how close in fact AE and Hans Albert are. Robert Heller is not meeting his obligations as assistant, is being difficult, and is not working on his Habilitation. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 100, p. 168. [95 333]. Vol. 8, 148a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, 18 November 1915] AE’s postcard of 15 November has arrived. Is pleased that the solution of the gravitation puzzle is so simple. Worries that AE will be unable to keep away from distractions after this great effort. Predicts that it will not be easy to do. Apparently the people in Zurich have a sixth sense for talent: if one is appointed there, one can be certain of a Nobel Prize. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 101, p. 169. [95 334]. Vol. 8, 165a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 16 December 1915] In case AE is not coming to Switzerland, he should send word as soon as possible. Ad- mits that Hans Albert Einstein is a rather rude letter writer, but Mileva Einstein-Maric can hardly be expected to keep him in check. Informs AE about his rights and duties with regard to the children. Has not seen Hans Albert lately. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 106, p. 176. [92 516].