C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 1 6 8 2 9 Vol. 8, 195a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 27 February 1916] Insists that AE travel to Switzerland. Despite his successes, including the prediction of the perihelion motion of Mercury, he should keep his promise to come to Switzerland. Besso recently finished his Habilitationsschrift on patent law. Robert Heller, his assis- tant, is leaving Zurich and will take his exams for the Habilitation in Austria. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 108, p. 178. [95 335]. Vol. 8, 197a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, 6 March 1916] Recognizes that AE needs his freedom. Besso is going to Vienna to his brother Vittorio, but will not pass up a meeting with AE in Zurich. The Einstein boys visit his household regularly. Making good progress with his work on health risks. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 110, p. 180. [95 336]. Vol. 8, 226a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 20 June 1916] Supports Besso, who is satisfied and successful with his dissertation for the ETH. Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein are doing very well Mileva Einstein-Maric, on the other hand, looks ill. Their neighbor, Johanna Zürcher-Siebel, has asked when he can examine her. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 111, p. 181. [95 337]. Vol. 8, 231a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 4 July 1916] Mileva Einstein-Maric’s condition has deteriorated fast. Hans Albert and Eduard Ein- stein will spend the summer with friends of Mileva. She will follow when her health im- proves. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 112, p. 182. [95 338]. Vol. 8, 244a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 29 July 1916] Is optimistic regarding Mileva Einstein-Maric’s prognosis. If she needs further treat- ment, the boys can stay with him. The economic difficulties in Switzerland are great. Only middlemen are benefiting through cunning schemes for profit making, for which he particularly holds foreigners responsible. Suspects that a letter from Zurich to Berlin now takes up to one week. AE’s letter of 25 July (Vol. 8, Doc. 242) has just arrived. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 116, p. 188. [95 339]. Vol. 8, 245a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 1 August 1916] An infection has prevented him from dealing with Mileva Einstein-Maric’s hospital bill. Hans Albert Einstein is in a more acceptable mood, now that his mother’s health is im- proving. The Zürcher family was a great help. In October he had suggested taking in 20,000 detained ill and wounded soldiers for treatment in Switzerland. This plan was ap- proved at a meeting on 5 January, attended by Arthur Hoffmann, Karl Bohny, and him- self. AE’s presentation of his theory of general relativity, which was published as a reprint, is selling well in Switzerland. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 117, p. 190. [95 340]. Vol. 8, 249a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, 9 August 1916] As per AE’s wishes, Mileva Einstein-Maric has been taken to the Theodosianum nursing home, and the boys will stay in their home, where the housemaid, the neighbor Johanna Zürcher-Siebel, or he himself will come by every day. Gustav Huguenin is seriously ill. Will arrange for him to have surgery. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 119, p. 193. [95 341]. Vol. 8, 250a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] ca. 18 August 1916 Will stay in Zurich and look in on the boys as long as the Zürchers are on holiday. Rec- ommends a recent book about the Chinese philosopher Mencius. Besso is convalescing while discussing AE’s work with Walter Dällenbach. Does not blame the economic mal- aise in Switzerland on corruption, but on stupidity and vanity. Many export regulations of the Swiss authorities are simply naïve and play into the hands of unscrupulous for- eigners. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 121, p. 196. [92 517].