C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 1 – 1 9 2 2 8 3 5 Has given lectures on relativity that were well received and contribute to international understanding. His efforts for the Zionist cause have also worked out well. In his opin- ion, Zionism could reestablish the self-confidence of the Jews that has been undermined by centuries of anti-Semitism. Was notified two weeks ago that Henri Buisson and Charles Fabry have confirmed his prediction about redshift. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 227, p. 364. [95 367]. Vol. 12, 162a. From Hugh J. Gramatzki Berlin, 29 June 1921 A derivation of the special relativistic transformation of the law of light reflection shows that the wave normal and direction of radiation do not stay parallel under Lorentz trans- formation when referred to the mirror at rest. If correct, the effect could be proven by measuring the tangential motion of fixed stars. ALS. [11 385]. Vol. 12, 241a. From Wolff’s Telegraph Bureau Berlin, 21 September 1921 Their partner telegraph agency in Bucharest informs them that Stefan Christescu lec- tured on his theory of helical motion of planets in the framework of his cellular cosmic system disproving AE’s theories, since Mercury’s perihelion is explained by helical movements. Ask whether this opponent is worth taking note of. TLS. [45 284]. Vol. 12, 241b. To Wolff’s Telegraph Bureau [Berlin, after 21 September 1921] Response to Vol. 12, Doc. 241a. Thanks for the information, which is of no scientific importance. Nevertheless, cannot judge whether to take further note of it. Dft in IE’s hand. [45 285]. Vol. 12, 258a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich,] 5 October 1921 Regrets AE’s absence from the meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft in Jena, where only the younger members had something to say. It was not always easy to follow them. Is returning to Oppau after seeing Franz Koelsch, counselor at the Bavarian Ministry of Social Affairs. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 231, p. 374. [95 368]. Vol. 12, 284a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, before 27 October 1921] Sends AE an invitation to dinner while he is in Zurich on his way back from Bologna. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 233, p. 377. Vol. 13, 140a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 10 April 1922] Refers to AE’s visit to Paris at the invitation of the Collège de France, where he was greeted with overwhelmingly positive headlines in the French press. In regard to exag- gerated receptions, he refers to Moszkowski 1921, a publication which AE no longer wanted to prevent by legal measures, although he was appalled about its exaggerated style. Is pondering electromagnetic light theory. Would like to know whether AE shares America’s low opinion of France, caused by the pathological lack of trust of diplomats like Louis Barthou. A similar fear of persecution has beset the Soviets at the Genoa Con- ference. Makes fun of Henri Bergson’s concept of time. Will give a lecture in Paris at the end of May and will investigate AE’s impact there. Will be back in Oppau soon. Has to write a comprehensive paper on disaster medicine. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 237, p. 381. [95 369]. Vol. 13, Doc. 383a. To Julius Hirsch [ca. 30 October 1922] Congratulates Hirsch on his fortieth birthday. ALSX (NNLBI, AR 136: Albert Einstein Collection). [85 576].