8 3 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 1. 1923 “Europa ist unglücklich, weil seine Bewohner Kraft und Schlauheit höher schätzen als Güte und Rechtschaffenheit…” PD, fragment (Haus der Bücher, Auction Catalog, no. 36, 25 September 1963, lot 29a). [81 651]. 2. 1923 “Jede menschliche Gesamtheit ist dümmer und schlechter als die einzelnen Individuen, aus denen sie besteht.” ADSP (David Schulson Autographs (1996?), lot 43). [83 834]. 3. From Mendelssohn & Co. [Berlin, 1923] Has transferred 19,956.52 M and charged 1 M fee. TLS, fragment. [28 017.1]. 4. From William Meinhardt Berlin, 3 April 1923 Asks to call him and schedule a meeting. TLS. [28 017]. 5. To Landgericht Berlin, 4 April 1923 Sends the enclosed requested expert opinion (Doc. 2) and demands 100 gold marks as honorarium. TLC. [35 357]. 6. Ilse Einstein to Paul Kersten Berlin, 5 April 1923 Acknowledges the receipt of Kersten’s letter of 31 March 1923 (Vol. 13, Abs. 561). In- forms that AE intends to write the requested article for the Berliner Hochschul- Nachrichten, but due to work overload is unable to meet the deadline. TLC. [43 240]. 7. To Friedrich Schmidt-Ott Berlin, 5 April 1923 Is ready to join the committee for the reestablishment of relations with Russian scien- tists. TLC. [44 853]. 8. Ilse Einstein to Carl G. Santesson Berlin, 6 April 1923 Sends the requested biographical note and an inscribed photo of AE, as well as AE’s best regards. TTrL. [30 022]. 9. Ilse Einstein to Henrik Sederholm Berlin, 6 April 1923 In reply to Vol. 13, Abs. 560, asks either to mail the Nobel Prize medal and the diploma, or to send it to the Swiss Embassy to be forwarded to AE as he is a Swiss citizen. TTrL. [30 023]. 10. From Margarete Turnowsky Berlin, 6 April 1923 She has been asked by the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland to remind AE of his promise to Pessach Hebroni, whom he met in Palestine (see Vol. 13, Doc. 379, note 216), to find financial support for him to continue his studies in Germany, and asks whether AE was able to arrange the matter. ALS. [43 449]. 11. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 7 April 1923 Attaches two reprints (Weber 1922a and 1922b can be found in Einstein’s offprint col- lection). Informs of his and other astronomers’ measurements of the spectrum of Sirius. Complains of lack of colleagues with whom to discuss his ideas. ALS. [23 265]. 12. To Unknown Berlin, 9 April 1923 Refers the addressee to Einstein 1905s, adding that the assumption that the conclusion could have been based on chemical reaction is false. AL, fragment. [69 339.10]. 13. From Carl Seelig Lucerne 9 April 1923 After reading Doc. 1, proposes that AE formulate a request for contributions to the Kai- ser Wilhelm Institute of Physics to be published in the Swiss press. He would copy it on typewriter and distribute it in Switzerland. Invites AE for a visit. TLS. [39 005].