C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 8 3 7 14. From Swiss Embassy Berlin, 9 April 1923 Are sending AE’s and Elsa’s passports, which were found at the Spanish border in Port- bou, and ask for the return their temporary passports. TLS. [29 179.13]. 15. To Polizei-Präsidium in Berlin [Berlin,] 10 April 1923 Recommends extending the residence permit for Ogita, with whom he became acquaint- ed in Japan, and who was working to reestablish German exports to Japan that had start- ed before the war, adding that this would be in the interest of the German economy. TLC. [44 617]. 16. From the editor of Nature London, 10 April 1923 Solicits an article on the new theory of gravitational and electromagnetic fields. IE notes: “Beantw. am 28. V. 23.” TL. [44 526]. 17. To Nicholas Butler Berlin, 11 April 1923 Thanks for the generous offer of a position at Columbia University (Vol. 13, Doc. 432), but after long and careful deliberation, he concludes that it is better to remain in his fa- miliar environment so as to avoid, at his age, the toll on his nervous energy that a move would entail and that would lead to diminished calm and strength for work. Moreover, since it does not make much difference where one studies and works, he intends to re- main in Berlin as long as the external circumstances permit. TLS. [91 174]. 18. To Michael Pupin Berlin, 11 April 1923 Is happily reminded of the fond memories of his reception at Columbia University is sure that he would find the interaction with Pupin and his colleagues there harmonious and fruitful, but it is better for his work to deal with the adverse external circumstances rather than adjusting to new and complicated external conditions. TLC. [43 476]. 19. From Henrik Sederholm Stockholm, 11 April 1923 Agrees to AE’s request (Abs. 9) and will send the Nobel Prize medal and certificate. Hopes that AE will receive them in a week. ALS. [30 025]. 20. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 11 April 1923 Thanks for AE’s reply to Abs. 11. In it, AE raised the question whether Sirius follows a curved motion. Weber maintains that it moves in the plane defined by its individual mo- tion within the Big Bear cluster to which it belongs and the radius of vision, and toward the cluster’s center of gravity. Since Sirius is a member of the cluster closest to the Sun, and the center is farther from the Sun, Sirius is moving away from the Sun, and its spec- trum should show a violet shift. Requests a personal meeting for 14 or 15 April 1923. ALS. [23 266]. 21. From Nora Block Göttingen, 12 April 1923 Asks AE to help Gu Hongming (Ku Hung Ming), a professor at Beijing University, who was dismissed from his position due to his criticism of German militarism and national- ism as well as his pacifist articles, written during WWI, which had recently been trans- lated into German. Attaches Hongming 1920. TLS. [44 231]. 22. To Nora Block [Berlin, after 12 April 1923] Shorthand reply to Abs. 21. Illegible. [44 231.1]. 23. Ilse Einstein to William W. Campbell Berlin, 15 April 1923 Thanks for the detailed telegram and its pleasing content (Doc. 14) and conveys AE’s admiration for Campbell’s carefully and accurately made measurements. TLC. [8 325].