C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 8 3 9 37. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 22 April 1923 According to his calculations, Sirius moves with a velocity of 19 km/parsec. Even a red- shift corresponding to 1 km/parsec would presuppose a curvature of its motion with an unacceptably small radius. Gives a short CV and requests AE’s help in finding a better position. ALS. [23 267]. 38. From H. G. Daniels Berlin, 23 April 1923 Claims that the purpose of his letter of 27 March was not to ask for an interview but to solicit an article for The Times, which he repeats in this letter. TLS. [45 110]. 39. From Eduard Sthamer Berlin, 23 April 1923 Heinrich Müller-Breslau is willing to speak instead of AE at the 10 July session of the physical-mathematical class of the PAW. TLS. [83 877]. 40. From Swedish Embassy Berlin, 23 April 1923 Asks when it would be convenient for AE to receive Ambassador Fredrik Ramel, who would deliver the Nobel Prize medal and certificate. TLS. [30 027]. 41. From Nicholas M. Butler Berlin, 27 April 1923 In response to Abs. 17, expresses his and his colleagues’ disappointment that AE has de- clined the invitation to move to New York for a few years, adding that the offer remains open. TLS. [43 474]. 42. From Hugo Bergmann Prague, 2 May 1923 The mathematician Pessach Hebroni, whom he met in Jerusalem, has been assisted by the preschool teacher Dina Mayer in securing £150 from Mr. Pressel from Antwerp for Hebroni’s stay and study in Europe. Asks whether AE could find additional support for him. TLS. [43 234]. 43. From Adolf Fraenkel Marburg, 2 May 1923 Given that AE has expressed an interest in the foundations of set theory in the past, he encloses a note and will also send a longer treatment (Fraenkel 1923a and b). Congrat- ulates on the renewed confirmation of the theory of relativity and AE’s work on behalf of a Jewish homeland and pacifism. Regrets being unable to contribute financially to the library in Jerusalem. AKS. [43 706]. 44. From Hans Reichenbach Stuttgart, 2 May 1923 Reminds AE of Abs. 34, asks again whether the manuscript of Reichenbach 1924 may be published in the Sitzungsberichte. Requests a prompt reply because he must give an answer to Springer. Also requests a copy of Einstein 1923e. ALS. [20 080]. 45. From Slowo Publishing House [Berlin,] 3 May 1923 Royalty statement from 3 August to 31 December 1922 for 23,956 M for Einstein 1920j and 1921c that were published as a book in Russian [see Vol. 13, Abs. 365]). The money has been sent via postal order and a receipt is requested. TLS. [41 1044], and TD. [41 1045]. 46. From Paul Stein Vienna, 3 May 1923 Solicits an article in regard to the “question of a Jewish university in Jerusalem” to be published in the annual report of Hebrew Schools for Vienna’s Districts XII–XV in June 1923, which will include two articles by Hugo Bergmann and Menahem M. Ussishkin. ALS. [36 868]. 47. From Georg Maschke Wannsee, 6 May 1923 Retracts his assessment of Arno Boerner as a highly educated person and a member of high society. Admits that Boerner is an inventor and his lecture on his new invention, a