8 4 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 carburetor which reduces fuel consumption and causes the engine—whether cold or hot—to jump quickly, was very interesting. Boerner has also invented the super- compression for aircraft engines, which he sold to Daimler in 1916. Asks for opinion about the two inventions he has sent to AE. TLS. [44 401]. 48. From Amsler & Ruthardt to Ilse Einstein Berlin, 9 May 1923 As a follow-up on Vol. 13, Abs. 458 and 460, they agree that 10% of the selling price of portraits of AE by Julius C. Turner be transferred to Bertha Turner. Ask AE to sign six- teen copies of his portrait sitting at a desk, and eight copies of the etching of his head, with the selling price of 40,000 M and 60,000 M each, respectively. TLS. [43 051]. 49. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 10 May 1923 Sends reprint of his article on relativity written for the Brockhaus Encyclopedia and re- quests AE’s opinion. Asks whether AE has time to meet with him while he is in Berlin. TLS. [23 268]. 50. Ilse Einstein to Hans Reichenbach Berlin, 12 May 1923 Informs him that AE has not seen Reichenbach’s letter since he already left for the Neth- erlands. She no longer forwards AE’s mail since he brings it all back unopened. She as- sures Reichenbach that she will give his letter to AE upon his return. AKS. [87 944]. 51. From Hendrik A. Lorentz Haarlem, 12 May 1923 On behalf of the scientific committee of the Solvay International Physics Institute, in- vites AE to the upcoming Fourth Physics Council devoted to “The Mechanism of Me- tallic Conductivity,” to be held in Brussels at Easter 1924. Further details will be forth- coming. TLSX. [16 548]. 52. From Eugène Lanty Paris, 14 May 1923 Requests that AE accept the honorary chairmanship of the third congress of the Espe- ranto society Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (World Non-National Association), among whose supporters are Henri Barbusse and Romain Rolland. ALS. [44 250]. 53. From Vieweg Publishing House Braunschweig, 14 May 1923 Has received the royalty for the second Russian edition of Einstein 1922c in the amount of 1,222,200 M, of which 763,900 M are for AE. Also asks AE to agree to reduced roy- alties from the same edition because an unauthorized edition has appeared in Russia in order to remain competitive, Slowo must reduce the price of AE’s book. TLS. [41 1046]. 54. To E. Lanty [Berlin, after 14 May 1923] Shorthand reply to Abs. 52. [44 250.1] 55. From the Deutscher Pazifistischer Studentenbund Berlin, 18 May 1923 Thanks AE for agreeing to speak on Thursday 30 May, 8 P.M. in room no. 31 in the Reichstag. Assures him that only those with tickets will be admitted. Reichstag Presi- dent Löbe or his representative, Clara Bohm-Schuh, might attend. ALS. [44 647]. 56. From Luis Molina Buenos Aires, 18 May 1923 Presents AE the honorary doctor’s diploma from the University of Buenos Aires men- tioned in Vol. 13, Abs. 469. TLS. [30 163]. 57. From Maurice Solovine Paris, 18 May 1923 Asks how he liked his trip in Japan. Tells him of his own trip to America. Charles Nord- mann informed him that some opponents have accused him of misunderstanding AE’s theory, in particular the example of the train. He would like AE to check the relevant pas- sage in Nordmann 1921 and let him know frankly if he has rendered his example faith- fully. According to the manager of Gauthier-Villars, the French editions of Einstein
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